Dear John:
We’ve recruited hundreds of volunteers and made tens of thousands of phone calls to defeat Trump and flip the Senate in 2020. But we still need massive change here in NYC, which is why I’m reaching out for your support today.
From chaotic school decisions, to the failure to hold the NYPD accountable, to the lack of a plan to save small businesses and promote a just economic recovery, we’re experiencing the consequences of poor city leadership and lack of vision every day.
There’s a lot of focus on 2020 -- and for very good reasons. But in 2021, we have a historic opportunity to shift the balance of power in New York City and point ourselves toward a brighter future.
One huge, glaring example of the need for new leadership this week?
On Friday, Mayor de Blasio attempted to cancel long-awaited payments overdue to teachers who have worked so incredibly hard to adapt to this pandemic and support students during this crisis.
The $900 million dollar payment was the last in a series of retroactive payments due to teachers dating back to an agreement with the union in 2011. They agreed to wait for years to help the city with its budget, but now, just as teachers are counting on their overdue pay, the administration moved to cancel it citing the current fiscal conditions.
I voted NO on the City budget in June because it failed to live up to the demands of the racial justice movement to move spending away from policing and into the schools and services our communities need.
We’ve asked our teachers to come into school buildings during a pandemic. To create new lessons and learn new technology. To totally transform their pedagogy to accommodate the public health imperatives of this moment. To take away what they have long been due is beyond unacceptable.
Angry? Yup, me too. But in 2021, we can elect a new generation of city leaders who understand that the people of NYC -- not lobbyists, corporations, police unions, or well-funded special interests -- are in charge.
Thank you so much. Let’s win this year, next year, and beyond,
-- Brad
P.S. Speaking of this year -- tonight, join me, Ady Barkan, and Liuba Grechen Shirley to make calls to get out the vote in Maine!
Lander for NYC
456 5th Avenue
Third Floor
Suite 2
Brooklyn, NY 11215
United States
[email protected]