CLCV Member,  

This is our chance. We have anticipated the 2020 election since the day after the 2016 election. We knew what was at stake then, and now we’re living with the consequences of failed environmental leadership at all levels. Generations of deadly air pollution. Surge of destructive Wildfires. Rollbacks of health, land, and water protections.  

This is what happens when we don’t all vote. This is what happens when the environmental candidates don’t get elected and Big Oil & polluters get their way. But it doesn’t have to be this way. You know this.  

You were with us in 2018, where in California we elected a Governor who is now pushing forward bolder climate action, seven new US Congress Members who replaced environmental obstructionist to secure an environmental House majority, and state & local candidates from across California who represent a new generation of leaders pushing towards an equitable clean energy future! 

CLCV Member, I’m asking you. No. I’m urging you to stand with us again. VOTE! Tell everyone you know to vote. When you vote, when everyone you know votes, and when we all vote to support environmental candidates, we can push forward on bold climate solutions.  

With your support, CLCV has identified the strongest environmental candidates this election. See who our endorsed candidate is for your community. They’ve earned our support and deserve your vote.  

After 2016, the most common question we got asked is “what’s the biggest thing we can do for the environment?” The answer: vote for strong environmental candidates from the top to the bottom of your ballot! You have that opportunity right now! 

You should have received your ballot at home already. We’re encouraging you to vote early and turn it in early. Please read and follow all of the instructions on your ballot to ensure your vote counts!    

Let’s be a generation of bold climate solutions. Let’s surge at the polls. Let our votes roll back failed climate leadership.  

Thank you for being a climate voter,  

Mike Young 

CLCV Political & Organizing Director 


P.S. because we know ballot measures can be incredibly confusing, see our recommendations on key propositions below. 






We believe that radical change is necessary and only by transforming our political system will we create the opportunity to take bold action on climate change. We elect and cultivate environmental champions, turn election victories into policy wins, hold our lawmakers accountable, and build political power for change. We inspire hope and action and fight for equity and justice for all Californians. We are in the business of changing what’s possible. You can unsubscribe from this mailing list at any time.