Americans for Peace Now
Americans for Peace Now: October 14, 2020

"There will be a need for a major effort in the coming years to reach an internal understanding among ourselves. We will need peace within us before we reach peace with our biggest enemies."

Eitan Haber (z"l), Israeli journalist and top political aide to Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin, quoted from 2017. Haber, who told the nation of Rabin's death and spoke at his funeral, passed away on October 7.

Hard Questions, Tough Answers with Yossi Alpher

Yossi Alpher is an independent security analyst. Views and positions expressed here are those of the writer, and do not necessarily represent APN's views and policy positions.

October 12, 2020 - Is Trump good for Israel?

Q. President Trump moved the US embassy to Jerusalem and recognized Israeli sovereignty on the Golan Heights. Under his presidency, Israel signed normalization agreements with two Arab countries, the UAE and Bahrain. Surely those acts are good for Israel’s regional status and security.

A. They are...

Q. So, case closed?

A. Not by a long shot...

Q. You’re presumably going to start with the poor neglected Palestinians...

A. ...Trump’s administration has deliberately and consciously impoverished and isolated the Palestinian Authority and the Palestine Liberation Organization...

Q. But the Palestinian issue is not on anyone’s immediate agenda. Lots can happen in the long term. Where’s the near-term damage of Trump’s other Middle East policies?

A. It is immediate, and it is of global strategic significance...

Q. Well, at least Trump is good for the Jews, and that’s good for Israel.

A. Trump has entered a strategic political alliance with America’s Evangelical Christians...

Q. Has Trump caused indirect damage to Israel as well?

A. ...When Israel’s primary historic ally has less clout in the world, that too is bad for Israel...

Q. Your bottom line?

A. ...he is incapable of being a true friend of any country, particularly one like Israel whose strategic well-being is multi-dimensional and nuanced...

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Government Relations

Legislative Round-Up: October 9, 2020

Produced by the Foundation for Middle East Peace in cooperation with Americans for Peace Now, where the Legislative Round-Up was conceived

  1. Bills, Resolutions, and Letters
  2. Hearings and Markups
  3. On the Record

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APN Events

New Speakers and Performers Announced!

Netta Barzilai, musician and winner of the 2018 Eurovision Song Contest, Congressman Jamie Raskin, Ginna Green, activist and strategist, and Peter Yarrow, legendary musician and peace activist will join host Mandy Patinkin on October 20.


October 20, 8 pm (Eastern)

7:00 pm Central / 6:00 pm Mountain / 5:00 pm Pacific

Spread the word by sharing the event registration form link with your personal message via Facebook, Twitter, and Email!


APN in Action

APN's Ori Nir in Ha'aretz: "Yitzhak Rabin Is Still Being Assassinated"

...On the night of Nov. 4, 1995, having just heard from the news desk editor that Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin had been shot, I called Palestinian officials for reaction. I was on the phone with Palestinian negotiator Saeb Erekat when I heard on Israel Radio that Rabin’s spokesman was about to make a statement...

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Settlement Watch

Update on Preventing the Eviction of East Jerusalem Sumarin Family

Following the pressure exerted on the JNF by the public - including you using our action alert - attempts by JNF officials have been made to sever ties with the Elad settler organiation and freeze the eviction proceedings against the Sumarin family of East Jerusalem. Even so, the struggle is far from over.

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Amid Pandemic and Economic Crisis, Israel to Advance at Least 4,430 Settlement Units

Peace Now: "While Israel reels from its second lockdown and economic distress, Netanyahu is promoting construction in isolated settlements... Instead of taking advantage of the agreements with the Gulf states and promoting peace with the Palestinians, he is distorting Israel’s priorities and catering to a fringe minority..."

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Action Alert

Your Action Still Needed:

Urge your Elected Officials to Cosponsor Resolution Honoring Yitzhak Rabin

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