I'm suing because my manager at Mcdonald's told me I "shouldn't even exist."
Fight for $15


I'm a new mother, and I started to work at McDonald's because I wanted to provide for my baby girl.

But McDonald's quickly turned that dream into a nightmare. That's why I'm asking you to join me in demanding that McDonald's puts an end to racial discrimination at their stores.

My Black co-workers and I were harassed and racially stereotyped. McDonald's managers used words like "Ghetto"..."lazy"..."smelly"...to describe Black cooks and cashiers at our store. They even called me a "waste of space" and said that I "shouldn't even exist."

The discrimination wasn't just about the harmful words they used – McDonald's cut Black workers' schedules, and ultimately, my ability to provide food and housing for my baby.

The white General Manager put mostly Black workers on a list of employees that were prohibited from taking on extra work hours because we supposedly had a "wrong attitude" and were not able to do "simple tasks." I was on that list, even though I worked hard every shift because I knew I was fighting for my daughter's future.

McDonald's eventually cut my schedule down to four hours a week. Four hours a week... at $10.00 per hour. How are you supposed to raise a newborn on that?

Add your name to demand that McDonald's takes responsibility for the anti-Blackness I've experienced and takes action to end racial discrimination.

I'm suing McDonald's because they must act to ensure that Black workers like me don't suffer discrimination in the workplace. McDonald's needs to do more than just pay for ads and publish a few tweets that say Black Lives Matter – and that kind of change starts with how their stores treat Black workers like me.

I'm fighting back for my daughter and the future she deserves. Thank you for your support.

Selynda Middlebrook
McDonald's Worker
Rock Island, Illinois
Fight for $15 and a Union

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