Can you confirm your registration?
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You have a HUGE deadline coming up....
Monday, October 19th is the LAST day to Register to Vote
We need your help to ensure Republicans turn out on November 3rd. So, I'm asking you to make sure your voter registration is up to date and confirm every Republican you know is registered.

If you or someone you know isn't sure if they're registered, you can verify your voter registration status by CLICKING HERE. If someone hasn't voted in a long time but did vote in 2016, they will still be registered, but they can confirm using the above link.

If you find someone who isn't registered or needs to update their registration (change their address or political party), they can do so quickly and easily register online at or by clicking here.

Registering online is the quickest way to ensure you meet the deadline.

You may find that you haven't changed your address since you've moved to a new home. Please update your voter registration by marking "change of address." You may be assigned a new polling location with your address change.

We all have a part in spreading the word to ensure everyone is registered by Monday, October 19th, to vote on November 3rd. 

Thank you for your continued support,
Can you chip in $20 to help us Get Out The Vote?

Email All Questions to: [email protected]

Our mailing address is:
902 Columbia Avenue
Lancaster, PA 17603

Paid for by Smucker for Congress.
Contributions to Smucker for Congress are not deductible as charitable contributions for Federal income tax purposes.

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