We at UNITED are so excited to be back in full operation!
There is lots to update you on - let’s jump into it!

UNITED for Intercultural Action, No Hate Speech Network, Prague Spring 2, Youth Center “Perspektiva”, IMPRESS, Alliance for Labour and Solidarity, Activists for Peace, Human Rights Association, APICE and YAN express deep and grave concerns over the escalating violence between Azerbaijan and Armenia over the Nagorno-Karabakh region.
We never support violence - only meaningful dialogue, and we intend to be active participants in the process. To everyone in the region, we are UNITED with you.
Read our joint statement on this pressing issue here.
If you would like to add your support, please sign out change.org petition here!

Those of you who attended the virtual conference on the 30th September, it was wonderful to see you again. Those who couldn’t, we hope you will enjoy this short recap, and we are really looking forward to seeing you (virtually or otherwise) at our future events!
More on the conference here, which asked the central questions: how has the pandemic affected minorities and the youth in particular? how, if we are involved in the civil society sector, can we engage the public agencies to make a change? How can we engage the public itself? How do we do this for those of us in particularly challenging contexts - those under authoritarian regimes, for example, or those whose governments thrive off of discriminatory rhetoric?
This virtual conference, hosted with the Oslo municipality, was an exciting day and a half, with many participants reaching out to each other personally afterwards, promising to stay in touch and collaborate in the future.

It’s that time of the year again - the Day Against Fascism (9th of November) is coming up, and you know what that means. Keep an eye on your inboxes for more information on the specific campaign, but know that we will be asking for all your contributions for this campaign - be they offline or virtual. A quick recap of actions you can do:
- if you organise an event, if you publish an article, a video, pictures or posters relating to this day, please send an email to us to [email protected] and we will share it on our campaign Facebook and website.
- We will feature your contributions on an interactive activity map (such as this one from an earlier campaign), that will display not only on our campaign website, but also on our UNITED webpage. It will serve to showcase not only your work, but the scale and size of our network. So please share your activities from previous years with us - pictures, videos, campaign materials, blog posts - and let’s show the world how united we stand!
Also, one more thing to do:
Every community in Europe has its own historical experience and understanding of fascism, and we would love to show the diversity present within this anti-fascism fight. To do so, we need your help! Please help us create our Anti-Fascist Calendar, an overview of dates of anti-fascist celebration and commemoration throughout Europe.
- Fill in this form based on what you know about the traditions in your country and/or the activities in your organization!
Looking forward to hearing from everyone!
UNITED for Intercultural Action is launching a new website soon!
Watch this space for more news - our new website will feature a fresh, clean interface, an interactive activity calendar featuring not only our but our network’s activities, an organized section of our current previous publications, and more!
Have a sneak peek below:

News from the network

The FARE network is launching #FootballPeople weeks, which are open to everyone regardless of who you are or what your role in football is. Supporters, players, clubs, ethnic minorities, LGBT groups, women’s groups, activists, schools and NGOs all take an active role.
Getting involved is simple and fun: between the 8th and 22nd October 2020 organise activities that celebrate diversity and tackle discrimination in and through football where you are. Use the #FootballPeople logo. On social media share what you do with the world and us and become part of the global movement. Involve as many people as possible. Or participate in one of the over 2,000 events that will take place during the fortnight.
The network is operating a grants phase offering up to €5000 in support.
Fine more information here!