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National Secular Society

Challenging Religious Privilege


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Your daily media briefing - Wednesday 11 September


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Secularism in the media


LGBT equalities teacher Andrew Moffat shortlisted for major award

Birmingham teacher Andrew Moffat, who spoke at the 2019 NSS Bradlaugh Lecture about teaching equality in primary schools, has been nominated for 'Hero of the Year' at the European Diversity Awards.

Free Radio


GoFundMe takes down fundraising page launched by campaigners against LGBT-inclusive education

The crowdfunding website GoFundMe has removed a page launched by Shakeel Afsar, one of the leaders of the Birmingham protests against LGBT-inclusive education in schools.

Pink News


'Northern Ireland’s schools still aren’t integrated'

The province's parents and teachers aren't waiting for politicians to desegregate education. They're doing it themselves, says Adam McGibbon.

The Nation


Islamic State supporter plotted attack on barracks, court told

An Isil supporter plotted a "lone wolf" attack on a military site by adapting drones to drop weapons, a court heard.

The Telegraph


Woman jailed for punching Muslim woman and ripping her hijab off

A care assistant has been jailed for 20 months after attacking two shoppers and ripping one's hijab off.

The Independent


White supremacist jailed for ‘kill a Muslim’ bid

A white supremacist inspired by the mosque attacks in New Zealand has been jailed for 18 years for stabbing a teenager in a bid to 'murder a Muslim'.



Iran's 'blue girl' dies after setting herself on fire

The woman set herself alight in Tehran after her trial, for attempting to enter a football stadium disguised as a man, was postponed.



Australia: Leaders of the Jehovah’s Witnesses ordered to destroy confidential records

A body representing the Jehovah's Witnesses in Australia has written to all elders of the group ordering them to destroy confidential records, including notes taken by elders investigating child sexual abuse, in an instruction that has enraged survivors of abuse inside the secretive Christian sect.



Australia: Laws forcing priests to report child abuse passed

Victoria's Parliament passed laws on Tuesday carrying sentences of up to three years for failing to report abuse.

The Age


In case you missed it...


Beware moving election dates for religious reasons

The proposed date for a general election has moved to accommodate a Jewish festival. Chris Sloggett asks whether the government has weighed up all competing considerations before reaching this decision.


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