Annual Review 2019

Living Christianity

Dear supporter,Annual Review 2019

The Christian Institute’s Annual Review 2019 is now available. We hope you will be encouraged as you read it.


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A real faith

It's a great privilege to work with courageous believers whose faith makes a real impact on their lives.

We give glory to God for the Ashers victory in the UK Supreme Court. The ruling created a marvellous precedent against compelled speech. Our thanks go to the McArthur family who stood for truth in the face of great pressure over four years.

There is huge pressure on Christian parents and teachers to go along with gender ideology in schools. This is based on the ancient heresy of gnosticism. Christians also need to be salt and light as the Government plans to scrap our current divorce laws and establish quick no-fault ‘divorce-on-demand’.

Going soft on cannabisA growing number of politicians and senior police officers have been calling for cannabis to be legalised. It is profoundly harmful to users, not only spiritually but physically too, with growing incidents of cannabis-triggered schizophrenia.

Our new briefing Going soft on cannabis sets out the mounting evidence against liberalising our drug laws. To receive this by post subscribe to our postal mailing list.

We need your support

We greatly value your support and prayers as we contend for the truth. We could not do all this work without it. If you would like to make a donation please visit our website.


Yours in Christ,
Colin Hart
Colin Hart
The Christian Institute