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CLUW releases catchy "Women Vote" video
Renne & Cuffie re-elected at UFCW 1994/MCGEO
Today's Labor History
Today's Labor Quote
Hiring Hall: DC-area union staff jobs!
TODAY'S LABOR CALENDAR; [link removed] click here for latest listings
Union City Radio: 7:15am daily
WPFW-FM 89.3 FM; [link removed] click here to hear today's report
Prince George's County Board of Education Labor Forum: Wed, October 14, 11:00am - 12:15pm
To register for the Zoom [link removed] please click here
Virtual Phone bank for Cameron Webb: Wed, October 14, 5:30pm - 7:30pm
Zoom; [link removed] link here
MD/DC AFL-CIO Labor 2020 phonebank (OH): Wed, October 14, 6pm - 9pm
[link removed] Sign up here photo: at recent MD/DC phonebank
Alexandria Dems Labor Caucus: Wed, October 14, 7:30pm - 9:30pm
Contact mailto:
[email protected] [email protected] for the zoom link.
[link removed] Labor Radio Podcast Weekly: RadioLabour; We Do The Work; America's Work Force; Laborlines
Labour calls for a new social contract; "Grand Theft Paycheck"; NFLPA's JC Tretter on renegotiating collective bargaining agreements for player safety during the pandemic; an interview with NYC Restaurant Workers Council organizers.
CLUW releases catchy "Women Vote" video
We are fighters on fire
Justice will guide us
We are the champions
The world's gonna hear us roar louder,
voting with power
Women vote vote vote!
That's the catchy chorus of the brand-new video released yesterday by the Coalition of Labor Union Women. CLUW is urging people of all sexes to post the video -- which features the DC Labor Chorus -- on social media and share it with your members, friends and family. "Our goal is to empower women to be leaders in their community and in the political arena," said CLUW. "This video is a representation of the journey, one that begins with women's voices and Women's Vote."
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Renne & Cuffie re-elected at UFCW 1994/MCGEO
Long-time President Gino Renne and Secretary-Treasurer Yvette Cuffie have been re-elected to the leadership of UFCW Local 1994 MCGEO. Lisa Blackwell-Brown was elected Local 1994's Recorder, a position long held by Nelvin Ransome.
photo: members of UFCW 1994 at work in Wheaton last month
Today's Labor Quote: Manifesto of The International Working Peoples' Association
The International Working Peoples' Association was founded on this date in 1883 in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Their first demand was for the "Destruction of the existing class rule, by all means, i.e., by energetic, relentless, revolutionary, and international action."
[link removed] Read the Manifesto here
Today's Labor History
This week's Labor History Today podcast: [link removed] The Package King
Former Teamster activist Joe Allen on "A Rank-And-File History of UPS." Folklorist Bucky Halker interviews iron workers Sharon Sisson and her husband Richard for the America Works podcast. And, on this week's Labor History in 2: Born into Privilege, But...
[link removed] Last week's show: Roediger on "The Sinking Middle Class"; Feurer on Mother Jones' legacy
The Seafarers International Union (SIU) is founded as an AFL alternative to what was then the CIO's National Maritime Union. SIU is an umbrella organization of 12 autonomous unions of mariners, fishermen and boatmen working on U.S.-flagged vessels - 1938
- David Prosten
Hiring Hall
Plus dozens more DC-area union jobs; [link removed] click here!
[link removed] Office Assistant III, AFSCME Federal Government Affairs Department, based in Washington, DC (Posted: 10/9/2020)
[link removed] Communications Program Manager, SEIU (Posted: 10/13/2020), based in Washington, DC (Posted: 10/13/2020)
[link removed] Racial Justice Trainer / Consultant, AAUP (Posted: 10/7/2020)
[link removed] Chief of Ops, People and Culture, Remote, UFR (United for Respect) (Posted: 10/7/2020)
[link removed] Director of People Ops & Culture, Remote, UFR (United for Respect) (Posted: 10/7/2020)
[link removed] Human Resources Manager, ATU (Posted: 10/13/2020)
[link removed] National Organizer, AFGE (Posted: 10/9/2020)
[link removed] Field Organizing Specialist, based in Maryland (Posted: 10/8/2020)
[link removed] Organizing Specialist - Organizing and Field Support, VEA (Virginia Education Association) (Posted: 10/13/2020)
[link removed] Four Temporary Organizing Specialists - Organizing and Field Support, VEA (Virginia Education Association) (Posted: 10/13/2020)
[link removed] State Legislative Representative, UFCW (Posted: 10/7/2020)
Material published in UNION CITY may be freely reproduced by any recipient; please credit Union City as the source for all news items and as the source for Today's Labor History.
Published by the Metropolitan Washington Council, an AFL-CIO "Union City" Central Labor Council whose 200 affiliated union locals represent 150,000 area union members. DYANA FORESTER, PRESIDENT.
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