Did you see Ed’s message? //


The campaign is about to officially kick off – and here on the leader’s tour, we’re pretty pumped. We’ve met so many amazing people on the road who have reminded our team who we’re in this for.

When I saw Ed’s message tonight, it put really things into perspective – everything we've been fighting for has come down to this, and everyone we are fighting for is counting on us.

We need to start tomorrow strong – will you chip $3 or more in to help?


Nader Mohamed
Digital Director
Canada’s NDP

From: Ed Broadbent
Subject: This is a fight we must win
Sent: Tuesday, September 10, 2019 at 2:30 PM


With the campaign officially starting tomorrow, it's time for us to come together to take on the fight ahead. Like every NDP leader before him, Jagmeet is a fighter.

We have an opportunity to show Canadians that things can be different. We can have a government that leads the way on the fight against climate change, that makes sure everyone can afford a good place to live, and that protects our public health care and expands it to include pharmacare.

We can have leaders who will stand up to the wealthiest people and corporations, and be on our side.

It won’t be easy, but I know this is a fight we can win. I can feel it in my bones.

But we need the resources to campaign hard if we’re going to do it. Can you chip in $3 to help?

Chip in!

Jack used to say, “don’t let them tell you it can’t be done”. And it’s true – because campaigns matter.

This election, we’re offering an alternative to Justin Trudeau’s empty words and Andrew Scheer’s cuts. In Jagmeet, we have a talented and dedicated leader whose energy and capacity to connect with people knows no bounds.

And with you by our side, we have an opportunity to fight for a government that will invest in people, fight the climate crisis, and make life more affordable for Canadians everywhere.

Now is the time to join me and New Democrats from across Canada as we come together to grow our movement – chip in $3 right now.


Together, I know we can do this.

All the best,


Ed Broadbent


New Democratic Party of Canada

300-279 Laurier West, Ottawa, ON, K1P5J9 | 1-866-525-2555
