Lindsey Graham’s Democrat Opponent
Just Raised Over $57 Million From The Radical Left

John --
Senator Lindsey Graham, a great friend of the Republican Jewish
Coalition, just saw an avalanche of donations go to his anti-Israel,
career lobbyist, liberal opponent, Jaime Harrison. Harrison raised $57
million last quarter, which beats the all-time fundraising record for
a US Senate candidate. We must help Lindsey Graham fight back.
Lindsey Graham $25, $50, $100, $250, $500, $1000, or $2,800
You might wonder why liberals from around the country are throwing
money at the Harrison campaign. The truth is, it has nothing
to do with Harrison. Sure, he is very liberal and hates President
Trump, but these donors are really scared of Lindsey Graham.
They know he is among the strongest supporters of the US-Israel
relationship, that he fights to lower taxes for the American people,
and that he will get Amy Coney Barrett confirmed by the Senate.
That’s why they are breaking fundraising records for Graham’s
You Fight Back Against The Far-Left’s Attempt To Take Out Senator
The good news is, the previous fundraising record holder is Beto
O’Rourke, from his race to beat Senator Ted Cruz in 2018. In that
race, Cruz was able to overcome the onslaught of liberal cash in large
part because of RJC PAC donors like you, who helped us raise more
money for Cruz than any other candidate. The best way we can help
Lindsey crush his far-Left opponent, just like Ted Cruz beat Beto
O’Rourke, is to give Senator Graham the same kind of support that we
gave Cruz in 2018 - we will be successful!
join us in helping one of the RJC’s best friends, Lindsey Graham,
Matt Brooks RJC Executive Director
P.S. If you have already contributed the legal maximum
to Senator Graham’s campaign and would like to contribute more, please
reply to this email to receive information about his Joint Fundraising
Committee and Super PAC.
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