Hi there,

Former Berkeley Mayor Gus Newport just published a powerful opinion piece setting out the failure of our city government over the last four years–and explaining his endorsement of our campaign. The piece sets out three powerful reasons for the endorsement–racial justice, homelessness, and climate change–but perhaps the most important point is this: “We need leaders who can organize ordinary people, and not just play the insider game of the political and economic elite.”

Read and share Gus's article

Despite our opponent’s attempts to deflect this election from the crucial issues facing Berkeley, we’ve had tremendous success in the last week. Over 100 people donated to our campaign, raising another $4000 in small dollar funds. We hit an all time record last week in our grassroots outreach, by having over 1000 conversations with Berkeley residents. And we are winning people over to a Green New Deal in Berkeley. 

But the last few weeks of this campaign will be crucial. As Gus said, our campaign is different because we’re run by and for ordinary people, not the Berkeley political elite. We depend on you to get the word out. 

Can you help us by sharing Gus’s op ed with your friends? 



PS Every Sunday, we hold an “ask me anything” town hall meeting at 11 am. Join the next one here.

Paid for by Wayne Hsiung for Mayor 2020
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P.O. Box 2248, Berkeley, CA, 94710