
A few months ago, almost nobody thought that Democrats had a chance at taking back the Senate. Now, all of that has changed.

Polling guru Nate Silver currently has Democrats at a 69% chance of controlling the Senate after this election.

That is a huge change from where we were at the beginning of the year and creates an incredible opportunity to win the White House and control both chambers of Congress. Just imagine what Democrats could do if we pull that off.

With 21 days to go until the most important election of our lifetimes and Democrats in the driver’s seat, the work we put in right now could shape our country for years to come. If we work our hearts out for the next 21 days and finish strong, we’re going to win big.

Please contribute before our final mid-month goal of this election and ensure we have the resources to help our endorsed candidates across the finish line.


Thank you for whatever you can do. We can’t afford to leave this election up to chance.

Serve America