From Bend the Arc: Jewish Action <>
Subject Record turnout happening now
Date October 13, 2020 4:45 PM
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More than 6.6 million Americans have already voted. Here's how you can make every day count.

Friend –

With early voting and vote-by-mail underway, this election is being decided right now.

To make every day before November 3 count, Bend the Arc volunteers are calling and texting voters to help them decide their candidate, make their voting plan, and even recruit others to vote. And voters are responding to our calls and texts at higher rates than we’ve ever seen! Are you in?

Last week, we announced an expanded goal of 1.5 million calls and texts to Jewish and swing state voters — if we’re successful our efforts could make the margin of difference, from Florida to Arizona. Join hundreds of volunteers to get trained and impact the election:

📱 Textbank: Tuesday, October 20 at 7pm ET / 4pm PT

<[link removed]>RSVP HERE <[link removed]>

☎️ Phonebank: Thursday, October 22 at 5:30pm ET / 2:30pm PT

<[link removed]>RSVP HERE <[link removed]>

You’ll find more dates on the calendar here. <[link removed][submitted_address]=nil>

Trump and Republicans are trying to bully and cheat their way through an election they know they're losing. But they haven’t accounted for us, and we’re going to make every vote count in every swing state where we’re talking to voters — Florida, Georgia, Arizona, Minnesota, Michigan, Ohio, Colorado, and Pennsylvania.

A local reporter in Atlanta shared a video on Twitter of voters in Georgia waiting 5+ hours yesterday. One voter said:

“It doesn’t matter how long it takes…we’re voting like our life depends on it.”

They’re absolutely right — our lives depend on voting this year. That’s why Jewish Americans are rising up in unprecedented numbers to build a country for all of us and push white nationalism out of the halls of power.

Join Jews and allies to mobilize voters at a “Vote Out Fear” text or phone bank this week — textbank on Tuesday, October 20 <[link removed]>, or phonebank on Thursday, October 22 <[link removed]>.

In solidarity,

The Bend the Arc team

Vote Out Fear phone and text banks are part of Bend the Arc’s We Rise As One campaign, a national mobilization of Jews and allies across the country rising up in solidarity to build a country that is truly for all of us.

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Bend the Arc: Jewish Action - United States

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