This month, we summarize student mental health and how you can help
This month, we summarize student mental health and how you can help

We drive policy change to improve the lives of Texas children today 
for a stronger Texas tomorrow.
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Dear John,
As an advocacy organization, we know all too well that policy can be complicated, tedious, and difficult to fully grasp. We know how important it is to break down complex issues into plain and simple language to get our message across.
That's why we're excited to debut our new video series: ELI5 (a.k.a. explain it to me like I'm five)! Through our new series, our policy staff will talk to you about policies that are important to kids and families in Texas.
Have something you'd like us to summarize for you? Just tag us on Twitter @putkids1st or Facebook @TexansCare and let us know what you would like us to cover next!
As always, we appreciate all of your support and thank you for watching. Remember to share on your social media channels and subscribe to our YouTube channel to keep up to date with more fun videos on the way!
With gratitude,
Texans Care for Children
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