Does phonebanking work? What is the point of taking a couple hours of your time to do something that feels utterly unrewarding? Well, "phone calls by real people can increase turnout by approximately 2–3%." Read this article by Gaby Goldstein, the Co-Founder and Political Director at the Sister District Project, to learn more.
We hope that you join us at many of the following phonebanking events. There is a lot of understandable distrust of the polls right now, but we're confident we can win the elections if we put in the work đź’Ş.
Handy-dandy Table of Contents!
1. KCYD Weekly Phonebanks - every Monday until the election!
2. Phonebank for Jamila Taylor
3. Youth to Power: The Generation that will Save a World on Fire
4. An Evening of Choice
5. Approve Referendum 90 Phonebanks
6. Join Team Jayapal in Deep Canvassing Pennsylvania!
When you phonebank with the King County Young Democrats, you're phonebanking to elect these four people to our state legislature. They are Rep. Jesse Johnson, Jamila Taylor, Rep. Pat Sullivan, and Rep. Debra Entenman (clockwise from the upper-left). We need people like these in office to pass progressive legislation, so come help out!
Date and Time:
Monday, October 19, at 5pm - 8pm
You do not have to stay the whole time - even making calls for just one hour is incredibly helpful! You do not have to know what you're doing - we'll train you up and you'll be phonebanking like a pro!
Alternatively, you can phonebank with Jamila Taylor's campaign specifically!
Date and Time:
Thursdays, Saturdays, and Sundays, from 4pm - 6pm
"Jamie Margolin is among the powerful and inspiring youth activists leading a movement to demand urgent action on the climate crisis. With determined purpose and moral clarity, Jamie is pushing political leaders to develop ambitious plans to confront this existential threat to humanity. Youth To Power is an essential how-to for anyone of any age who feels called to act to protect our planet for future generations."
--- Former Vice President Al Gore
Join KCD Chair Shasti Conrad for a conversation with this powerful change maker.
Date and Time:
Wednesday, October 13, at 5:00p
The Evening of Choice is a great opportunity for anyone who wants to grow as an advocate for young people who are being criminalized by the juvenile legal system. In a short 30 minute program we will:
- Envision the future of Transformative Justice where young people are seen as possibilities to be developed and not problems to be solvedÂ
- Hear from communities impacted by the juvenile legal system, andÂ
- Grow our resources for community-based solutions. Â Â
The event will be followed by a live Q and A with our Executive Director, Sean Goode.
This event is hosted by CHOOSE 180, an organization that transforms the lives of youth and young adults by connecting them with community and teaching them the skills necessary to avoid engagement with the criminal legal system.
Date and Time:
Wednesday, October 14, at 7:00p
The Seattle Times has recommended voting for Referendum 90. They said, "This will not represent a significant change for most school districts. At the same time, it will prompt the estimated 19-or-so districts around the state that don’t offer any sexual health education to make this important information available."
Help make sure Referendum 90 passes!
So much of traditional phonebanking can feel really impersonal; you're often give a list of questions that you're expected to find answers to. Deep canvassing is different: you use active listening to build trust and share stories. As you can expect, this kind of phonebanking requires a little more training than your average phonebank.
Luckily, we're teaming up with Team Jayapal and Pennsylvania Stands Up to do some deep canvassing in swing states where it's needed most. Join us on Saturday to do some real persuasive work!