John, Today marks three weeks until Election Day. Thanks to your support so far, we’ve been able to hold strong against an absolutely relentless onslaught by the Trump campaign.


Today marks three weeks until Election Day. Thanks to your support so far, we’ve been able to hold strong against an absolutely relentless onslaught by the Trump campaign.

We’ve organized thousands of volunteers throughout the state who are calling and texting their neighbors every day. We’ve put up countless lawn signs. And we’ve pulled off historic paid and earned media campaigns.

But even with all of our work, Trump still managed to gain ground in Minnesota since September, according to a recent poll from KSTP/SurveyUSA.

This is a stark reminder that we’re not out of the woods yet. Not even CLOSE. We need to keep fighting with everything we have until Election Day.

John, will you help us dig deep down the home stretch and commit to a weekly recurring contribution every Tuesday between now and November 3rd? We’re counting on you.

Trump knows that Minnesota is a critical state in 2020. If he wins here, he’ll win reelection and sweep far-right-wing MN Republicans up and down the ballot into power with him.

As Trump and his GOP allies continue to blanket our state with lies, fear-mongering, and misinformation, we need to work twice as hard reaching out directly to voters in every part of the state.

Please, click here to start a weekly contribution between now and Election Day to help us keep Minnesota blue and elect Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, and Democrats up and down the ballot this November!

Thank you,

Minnesota DFL

DFL Victory Club

Join the DFL Victory Club and start a monthly recurring contribution today.

Your monthly recurring donation will help us defend our Minnesota House DFL Majority, take back the Minnesota Senate, re-elect Senator Tina Smith, flip Republican Congressional seats from red to blue, stop Trumpism at the door, and keep Minnesota blue in November. DFL Victory Club Members will also receive special updates and offers from our party headquarters.