October 13, 2020
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October 13, 2020
Dinesh D'Souza's most important film yet
DINESH D'SOUZA ? Dinesh D'Souza's new documentary, Trump Card, leads the charge against the new face of Socialism! The Left is fighting harder than ever to destroy the Land of the Free. This film is a must-watch for every freedom-loving American. See trailer.... (more)

October 13, 2020
RENEWAMERICA STAFF ? RenewAmerica has partnered with multi-national pro-life organization Real Estate for Life to help sustain the work of RenewAmerica. Real Estate for Life is a faith-based real estate network that funds "gospel of life groups worldwide."... (more)

October 13, 2020
JOAN SWIRSKY ? Last March brought us the results of the Democratic 2020 primary contest for the U.S. presidency. Out of a U.S. population of about 330 million—some stats include 40 million illegals, which brings the total to 370 million—the best Democrats had to offer was about 15 unimpressive candidates who the public saw through and sent packing. Left in the contest were:... (more)

October 13, 2020
CLIFF KINCAID ? A Christian wife and mother with pro-family views, federal Judge Amy Coney Barrett is an example of how light can survive the darkness of America's descent into demonic corruption so deep that it includes the dismemberment of live babies to harvest their body parts. As long as America can produce women who love their families and children, there is hope. President Trump's nomination of Judge Barrett to the Supreme Court is enough to consider his legacy one of true conservatism. It's now up to the Senate to confirm her.... (more)

October 13, 2020
PETER LEMISKA ? Many are calling the upcoming election the most important in our history. The two presidential candidates in this election clearly have diametrically opposing views of our country, the problems we face, and the solutions they offer. It's like those classic optical illusions, where two people looking at the exact same image perceive entirely different things.... (more)

October 12, 2020
PATRICK GARRY ? No serious argument can be made today against the importance of diversity, the value of facilitating diversity, and the need to protect the rights of the minority. And yet, a growing political movement seeks to assert just such arguments. The movement seeking the constitutional elimination of the Electoral College in fact seeks to erase a vital institutional protection of diversity and minority rights.... (more)

October 12, 2020
Must-see speeches by Judge Barrett and Senators Hawley, Sasse, and Ernst
FOX NEWS ? The first day of Judge Amy Coney Barrett's Supreme Court confirmation hearing before the Senate Judiciary Committee concluded Monday afternoon, but not before President Trump's pick for the high court faced scathing accusations from Democrats, and Republicans fired back in her defense.... (more)

October 12, 2020
PJ MEDIA ? What's the doddering old fool talking about now? Every once in a while Joe Biden lets loose a supposed political attack that ends up having everyone pointing their fingers at him and laughing. Biden referred to the Republican efforts to confirm Amy Coney Barrett to the Supreme Court as "not constitutional." Why? Apparently, because people are going to the polls and voting for president. What does that have to do with whether the Barrett confirmation is "constitutional" or not? No one can say, but like Bluto in Animal House, "Forget it, he's rolling."... (more)

October 12, 2020
WORLDNETDAILY ? The Senate Democrats' strategy of framing Judge Amy Coney Barrett as a stealth weapon of President Trump to kill Obamacare in an upcoming case is disingenous, contends former federal prosecutor Andrew McCarthy. Sen. Chris Coons, D-Del., claims Barrett has publicly criticized the Affordable Care Act, but this is false, McCarthy writes in a column Monday for National Review, calling it an "absurd attack."... (more)

October 11, 2020
AMERICAN GREATNESS ? People doing interviews always ask me what went wrong, how did America get in this terrible condition? Generally, the question seems to assume that America is falling apart all of a sudden. There is no doubt that America's crack-up is picking up speed, accelerating at a truly frightening rate, but the important point is that the crack-up has been in the works for a long time.... (more)

October 10, 2020
DAILY CALLER ? President Donald Trump is clear to end isolation and fully return to his normal duties, White House Physician Sean Conley announced Saturday evening. Conley says it has been 10 days since Trump's first onset of symptoms and he has now been fever-free for "well over" 24 hours, adding all his symptoms have improved. Testing throughout Trump's coronavirus treatment has shown a consistent decrease the presence of the virus in the president's body, Conley added.... (more)

October 10, 2020
ANDREW MCCARTHY ? Did she or didn't she? Of course she did. In late July 2016, Hillary Clinton, in an effort to divert attention from the email scandal that was haunting her presidential bid, directed her campaign to peddle a political narrative that Russia's suspected hacking and leaking of Democratic Party emails was in furtherance of a conspiracy between Vladimir Putin and Donald Trump to swing the election to Trump.... (more)

October 10, 2020
NEWSMAX ? Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, suggested on Newsmax TV that the format for the presidential debates scrap a single so-called neutral moderator for two admittedly partisan questioners which he believes would result in a more fair exchange.... (more)

October 9, 2020
BREITBART ? A solid majority of 56 percent of Americans say they are better off now than they were four years ago, a new Gallup survey reveals. Only 32 percent say they are worse off than four years ago. The number is, as Fox News's Laura Ingraham noted on Thursday night, "the highest Gallup has ever recorded."... (more)

October 9, 2020
BREITBART ? Incumbent GOP President Donald Trump has taken the lead in Florida over Democrat challenger former Vice President Joe Biden, a new poll out of the Sunshine State shows.... (more)

October 9, 2020
CLIFF KINCAID ? Like a conquering hero, President Trump left Walter Reed Medical Center (also known as Bethesda Naval Hospital) on October 5 and entered the White House in dramatic fashion. After recovering from what looked like a nasty cold or flu, the leader of the Free World decided he couldn't stay in a hospital or a basement. The media wanted him dead. But for many Trump supporters, the circumstances surrounding the nature and timing of his infection remain a mystery. They are, however, grateful that Trump is back in the White House, ready to fight for his presidency.... (more)

October 8, 2020
Largest virtual rally in radio history
WESTERN JOURNAL ? Conservative talk radio legend Rush Limbaugh announced Thursday that President Donald Trump will be taking the reins of his show on Friday. "I'm thrilled to announce that our commander-in-chief, President Donald Trump, will be right here tomorrow hosting the largest virtual rally in radio history," Limbaugh said in a recorded message to his audience.... (more)

October 8, 2020

October 8, 2020
NATIONAL REVIEW ? It was impossible to miss how Kamala Harris, like Joe Biden, refused to answer questions about their plans to expand the Supreme Court. But she also misrepresented history. Harris claimed at the VP debate that Abraham Lincoln refused to nominate a candidate for Chief Justice in October 1864 because "Honest Abe said, it's not the right thing to do" and wanted the people to vote first.... (more)

October 8, 2020
Pence 72%, Harris 28%
DRUDGE REPORT ? Several hours after Wednesday's Vice Presidential Debate ended, an online poll at the Drudge Report showed 72 percent of viewers believed Vice President Mike Pence won the debate, while 28 percent felt Kamala Harris won. By 6:00 pm ET on Thursday, over 260,000 online votes had been cast.... (more)

October 8, 2020
Focus includes actions involving Ukraine, Russia collusion claims
WORLDNETDAILY ? Joe Biden is under an active federal criminal investigation regarding his role in the Barack Obama administration's counterintelligence probe of the Trump campaign, according to investigative reporter Paul Sperry.... (more)

October 7, 2020
WORLDNETDAILY ? A pollster who correctly predicted Britain's Brexit vote and the election of Donald Trump in 2016 indicates President Trump is leading in the national popular vote by 1 point.... (more)

October 7, 2020
CNS NEWS ? One of the constant refrains from those who oppose election reforms designed to protect the security and integrity of the voting process is that serious vote fraud is a myth.... (more)

October 7, 2020
RED STATE ? News came out today that White House Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany tested positive for the Wuhan coronavirus. Jim Acosta tried to blame her for not wearing a mask at a briefing yesterday, when she was outdoors and socially distanced from anyone.... (more)

October 6, 2020
C-SPAN ? Watch a replay of Wednesday's debate between Vice President Mike Pence and Democrat challenger Kamala Harris on C-SPAN. The debate originated from the University of Utah in Salt Lake City.... (more)

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