Pedal to the metal

Adam Hughes from Julie's Field Team here. 

This is it. Early Voting is here. We've been working towards this moment for over a year and a half. We've built a voter contact machine -- and even in the middle of a pandemic, we've revved it up to full throttle.

Now we need to make sure we keep the pedal to the metal -- because getting more Texans out to vote during Early Vote means we'll know exactly who we need to turn out before Election Day.

Our goal is to drop lit at 50,000 drops and make 60,000 phone calls by Sunday.

Because we can't have persuasion or ID conversations at the door, making calls is incredibly important. It's tough, but it's one of the most effective tools we have -- and with the Julie Dialer, our teams of callers can make thousands of calls in a shift. 

Please sign up your shifts now (lit drop shifts are about 50 doors per shift and phonebank shifts are 2 hours per calling shift), so we know how many we shifts we still need to fill.

Events near: xxxxxx

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Join a Phonebank or Virtual Event
Online - RSVP for Invite Link

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Contact-less, No Knock Lit Drops
All over TX-25

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The race is statistically tied. And because this race is so close, every single door, every single call, and every single vote is going to matter. The outcome of this election will impact millions of lives in Texas and across the country.

So whether you're joining us for a virtual phone bank, dropping lit, or both, let’s leave it all out on the field!

Adam Hughes
Field Director
Julie Oliver for Congress

Paid for by Julie Oliver for Congress

Julie Oliver for Congress
P.O. Box 310
Austin, TX 78767
United States