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National Secular Society

Challenging Religious Privilege


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Your daily media briefing - Tuesday 13 October


In the Media is our daily collection of news and commentary related to secularism, available delivered to your inbox. You can also read the latest news and opinion and listen to our podcasts on our website.


Secularism in the media


Ireland: Catholic symbols in state schools to be phased out

State secondary schools in Ireland are to phase out a range of Catholic influences such as mandatory graduation masses, the display of Catholic symbols only and visits from diocesan inspectors.

The Irish Times


Church of England’s ‘Safe Spaces’ helpline labelled 'unsafe' by abuse survivors

Survivors claim the helpline was 'rushed' into service so archbishops could refer to it in their response to the child sex abuse report.

The Telegraph


Church of England statistics: attendance still falling

In the decade since 2009, most key measures of attendance have fallen by between 15 and 20 per cent, and by three per cent since 2014, according to a Church of England report.

Church Times


Regulator finds mismanagement at Christian broadcasting charity

The regulator published an inquiry report into the Revelation Foundation, a Christian broadcaster, on Friday. It uncovered flaws in its structure and serious governance failings that amount to mismanagement by its trustees.

Civil Society


Catholic Church thanks Government for 'lifeline' heritage fund

The first major tranche of grants from the Government's £1.57bn fund include the Catholic Bishops' Conference, which is to receive £3m.

Christian Today


MEPs condemn LGBT conversion therapy in appeal to European Commission

More than sixty Members of the European Parliament have signed a letter to three European Commissioners, demanding a Europe-wide ban on so-called "conversion therapy" practices.

The Parliament Magazine


France: Islamic scholar charged with rape hires convicted teacher for new school

Islamic scholar Tariq Ramadan has recruited a barred teacher who showed support for the Charlie Hebdo massacre to work in his new school. Mr Ramadan is launching a centre in France to teach ethics and feminism this month, despite being suspended from his Oxford University post over rape allegations.


Algeria hands activist 10-year sentence for 'inciting atheism'

An Algerian activist has been sentenced to 10 years in prison and fined over $77,000 for "inciting atheism", "offending or denigrating the dogma and precepts of Islam", and "undermining national unity".

Middle East Eye


Jewellery ad on interfaith couple withdrawn after outrage

Popular Indian jewellery brand Tanishq has withdrawn an advertisement featuring an interfaith couple after a right-wing backlash on social media.



'Chained and locked up, why some Nigerians turn to religion to treat the mentally ill'

In parts of Nigeria, it is common to attribute mental illness to supernatural factors such as witchcraft or repercussion for sins against God, according to a report in the Integrative Journal of Global Health.



The latest from the NSS


Regular C of E worshippers form less than 2% of England’s population

Fewer than 2% of people in England regularly worshipped at CoE churches in 2019, even though many children attended services for schools.


Work for the NSS


Job opportunity: Resource author

The National Secular Society is looking for an author to overhaul and develop our 'Exploring Secularism' resources.


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