Tuesday, October 13th, 2020

Presented Without Comment

Bill Sardi

The Fake Coronavirus and the Missing Study: The Secret in Plain Sight

Jon Rappoport

High-Profile Conservative Lawyer Suggests Trump Was Deliberately Infected With Covid

Deborah Franklin

What Would Happen?

Laurence M. Vance

ObamaGate’s Endless Saga — None Dare Call It Obstruction

Thomas Luongo

Love It or Leave?

Jeff Thomas

A Couple of Items

About the Church and science.

How We Institutionalized Incompetence

Charles Hugh Smith

Western Civilization Has Surrendered to Barbarians

Paul Craig Roberts

A Quick Reminder of How Venezuela Ran Out of Food: Does This Look Familiar?

Daisy Luther

W.H.O. Condemns Coronavirus Lockdowns as ‘Doubling’ Global Poverty

Simon Kent

President Trump’s Prescribed Covid-19 Protocol

Dr. Joseph Mercola

LRC Blog

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