FPA Releases Presidential Voter Guide as Barrett Hearings Begin

Today on Capitol Hill, the Supreme Court confirmation hearing for Judge Amy Coney Barrett got underway. The big takeaway is that Democrat committee members are turning this nomination into a referendum on President Trump.
As a result of Amy Coney Barrett’s nomination, voters across America are now considering judicial philosophy, “court packing,” and the balance of the Supreme Court as they head to the polls and complete mail-in ballots for the presidential election. On that topic and several others, Family Policy Alliance has a new resource to assist voters: FPA’s 2020 Presidential Voter Guide.
In addition to outlining President Trump’s and Joe Biden’s positions on appointing Supreme Court justices, the voter guide explains – in simple terms – what the two candidates believe about taxpayer funding of abortion, late-term abortions, protecting religious freedom, preserving girls’ sports, and parental choice in education. Each subject area clearly spells out the candidates’ record on the issue at hand and provides references for statements made.
Please review the guide. But don’t stop there! It is equally – if not more – important to share the guide with your friends, family members, church congregation and neighbors:
- It’s as simple as a click of the mouse to share the voter guide on social media.
- Please also consider printing copies for your neighborhood and church.
We believe that when voters see the clear and factual information contained in this voter guide, they will be inspired to vote and emboldened to share their decision with others. Please pray with us for the outcome, and please share the voter guide!
For truth,
 Amanda Banks Director, External Relations
