The view that the mind is simply what the brain does is not derived from evidence so much as from a prior commitment to materialism.

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October 12, 2020
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Your Mind vs. Your Brain: Ten Things to Know

The view that the mind is simply what the brain does is not derived from evidence so much as from a prior commitment to materialism. The more we explore, the more we are likely to see that clearly.

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Smith: Why Intelligent Women Marry Less Intelligent Men

This seeming paradox of highly intelligent people marrying people who are not as intelligent is but one of many examples of regression toward the mean that we encounter all the time. Whenever we overlook such confounding factors, we are tempted to invent fanciful explanations when none are needed.

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Did the Smart Machines Destroy the Aliens Who Invented Them?

Recently science and science fiction writer Matt Williams has been writing a series at Universe Today on why the extraterrestrial intelligences never show up (the Fermi Paradox or Great Filter). One hypothesis suggests that we haven’t heard from alien civilizations because they’ve been wiped out by their own killer robots.

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Egnor: How Do You Know You Are Not the Only Human Who Ever Existed?

Solipsism is the belief that you are the only human being who has ever existed; all others are the inventions of your imagination. At Scientific American, columnist John Horgan describes solipsism as a central dilemma of human life.

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Bartlett: Elon Musk Tweet Shows Why Many Doubt Origin of Life Studies

Whatever the difficulty of creating life in the lab, making individual prototypes is not nearly as problematic as making “the machine that makes the machine,” which all reproducing living cells can do. That is, the ability of an organism to reproduce is at least an order of magnitude harder that the ability of an organism to just live.

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IDTF  Mind Matters Podcast
  CNAI Podcast

AI Development in Russia — Part 1
October 8, 2020
How Can You Talk to Yourself?
October 1, 2020
Bingecast: Selmer Bringsjord on the Lovelace Test
September 24, 2020
Are We Here to Re-Create Ourselves?
September 17, 2020

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