Join us this week on Thursday and Friday for special events by the SDSA Bernie Committee and the Immigration Justice Working Group, respectively.

Thursday: Seattle DSA Democratic Debate Watch Party

Friday: The Border Crossed Us: A History of Movement, Border-Making, and What that Means for Us Today

🌹 – Great event for first-timers!

Socialist Manifesto Reading Group
September 10 @ 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm

A frightful hobgoblin stalks throughout District 2. We are haunted by a ghost—the ghost of Communism! Join the District 2 Reading group, where we will be reading and discussing socialists texts from throughout our rich shared history, from Marx and Engels through contemporary writers. In this session, we will be reading part of Bhaskar Sunkara’s “Socialist Manifesto”.
Learn together by reading socialist texts!
Sharpen our politics with collective discussion!
Make new friends among comrades in District 2!
Bring your friends and your revolutionary spirit to teach and learn from one another!

🌹 🌹  Get Out the Vote for Shaun Scott 🌹 🌹 
September 11 @ 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm

Come join the Seattle DSA for our fourth general election canvass for Shaun Scott’s city council campaign! Shaun is a democratic socialist running for Seattle City Council District 4, advocating for a Green New Deal for Seattle, public housing, municipal broadband, and so much more! Shaun’s also received the Seattle and national DSA’s endorsement. The general election for Seattle City Council is on November 5th and we need to knock on as many doors as possible!

Beginners always welcome – every canvass begins with a training and campaign materials are always provided! Door knocking wraps up by 8pm with and a nice debrief session afterwards.

Look forward to seeing you there!

Workplace Organizing Collective (El Grupo para Organizar su Lugar de Trabajo)
September 11 @ 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm

Are you frustrated that you don’t have a voice at work? Are you a freelancer who rarely gets paid on time? Are you working 2 or 3 gigs just to make rent? You’re not alone.

The Workplace Organizing Collective is a group of Seattle DSA members, including experienced labor organizers, who meet every week to teach each other concrete, effective organizing skills to build power at work.

This collective is open to everyone who wants to improve the lives of their families and communities by organizing for economic justice.

Email [email protected] for more information.

District 4 Reading Group – Alternatives to Capitalism 🌹
September 12 @ 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm

Join our discussion of Chapters 1 and 4 of Alternatives to Capitalism: Proposals for a Democratic Economy by Robin Hahnel and Erik Olin Wright. Available free in electronic format here.
Feel free to bring discussion questions of your own, or to come and listen in. Hope to see you there!

🌹🌹 Immigration Justice Presentation and Social 🌹🌹
September 13 @ 5:30 pm - 7:30 pm
The Border Crossed Us: A History of Movement, Border-Making, and What that Means for Us Today
Come to the first social for the Immigrant Justice Working Group! Meet new people. Find out how you can plug in and help out. Socialize with the people you have already been working with, or meet some of the people you want to work with. Hear about what the IJWG has been getting done and is about to do. Learn something. Relax, unwind, eat, drink, plan, plot.

At 5:30, we’ll meet to socialize, eat, and drink.
At 6:30, we’ll hear announcements about what’s happening in the Immigrant Justice Working Group.

Member Engagement Team Meeting
September 14 @ 10:00 am - 11:30 am

Socialism is experiencing a historic resurgence and new members are joining Seattle DSA all the time, yet only a small portion of our large membership is active.
Join us to plan and work on projects to help new members get involved in our chapter, and to re-engage and mobilize current members.
Note: the entrance to Cafe Allegro is in the alley between University and 15th and is not wheelchair accessible

🌹🌹Canvass with the Shaun Scott Campaign 🌹🌹
September 14 @ 11:00 am - 3:00 pm
 It’s time for another Saturday canvass of our neighbors in District 4! This weekend, we will be knocking doors in Wallingford and encouraging folks to vote Scott for Seattle City Council on Tuesday, November 5th.
We will be meeting up at A Muddy Cup (266 NE 45th St) at 11:00 am. There will be a canvass training before we head out to the doors and all you need to bring is your phone with the MiniVAN app downloaded. We hope to see you there!
Contact our Field Organizer, Corina at [email protected] with any questions or concerns!

🌹🌹 Seattle DSA Queer & Feminist Meeting 🌹🌹
September 14 @ 4:00 pm - 6:00 pm
Come join the Seattle DSA Queer and Feminist Caucus for our September Meeting! We’ll be discussing how the feminist movement won Roe v. Wade, how reproductive rights have slowly been eroded following, and how we’re planning on reclaiming them. We’ll also be planning for the October 3rd reproductive rights rally for Rosie Jimenez Day. All are welcome–, especially new folks!

🌹🌹 Get Out The Vote for Shaun Scott 🌹🌹
September 15 @ 11:00 am - 3:00 pm
Come join us for our third general election canvass for Shaun Scott! Shaun is a democratic socialist running for Seattle City Council District 4, advocating for a Green New Deal for Seattle, public housing, municipal broadband, and so much more! Shaun’s also received the Seattle and national DSA’s endorsement. The general election for Seattle City Council is on November 5th and we need to knock on as many doors as possible!
Beginners always welcome – every canvass begins with a training and campaign materials are always provided! Door knocking wraps up by 3pm with and a nice debrief session afterwards.
Look forward to seeing you there!

SDSA Ecosocialist Caucus Meeting 🌹
September 15 @ 1:00 pm - 3:00 pm

Let’s sharpen our thinking and build a powerful movement to halt climate change and win environmental justice. Join us.

Get Out The Vote For Shaun Scott
September 18 @ 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm



Curious to meet some people before getting involved? No sweat! We've all been the new person in the room and we want you to be comfortable at our meetings. 

Bernie or Bust? D3 Meeting
September 11 @ 6:30 pm - 8:30 pm

With Elizabeth Warren surging in the polls, a growing number of working people and youth are getting energized around her ideas and increasingly see her as a viable candidate to challenge Trump and Wall Street.  How should DSA relate to people who support her campaign and who are likely open to socialist ideas?  How are Warren’s politics different than Bernie’s? Is she a neoliberal politician, like some on the Left claim?  The DSA national convention passed a “Bernie or bust” resolution, should we have done that?  If she wins the nomination, how should DSA relate to her campaign?

Seattle DSA Democratic Debate Watch Party
September 12 @ 5:00 pm - 8:00 pm

Come watch the Democratic Presidential Debate with the Seattle Democratic Socialists of America!

This now-narrowed debate field includes: Bernie Sanders! Elizabeth Warren and her half-measure policies! Joe Biden will be there (kind of)! Beto O’Rourke still for some reason! And the rest of the Democratic primary field candidates that we all know and love.

It’s guaranteed to be the most left-wing, raucous, and fun debate watch party in Seattle and includes a special guest appearance from District 3 Councilmember Kshama Sawant!
The debate is expected to start at 5 p.m., so show up on time to make sure you get a seat.

North Seattle Socialist Happy Hour
September 14 @ 4:00 pm - 7:00 pm

Calling all socialists and the socialist curious – join us for a North Seattle Socialist Happy Hour at The Growler Guys in Lake City! Come grab a drink, a bite to eat and get to know a little bit more about the Seattle DSA. If you want to learn more about what the chapter is up to, there will also steering committee members to speak with and literature will be available.


Write for the Hellhole: Join the Communications Working Group


We're always looking for talented writers, editors, and press outreach pros. Email [email protected] and get involved - we could use it.

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