Friend – Donald Trump tweeted yet another attack against me this morning after my opening statement in today’s Supreme Court confirmation hearings.

I demanded that Judge Barrett recuse herself in any Supreme Court case involving Trump's re-election. And if there's one thing that scares Trump, it's leaders who hold him accountable for his abuses of power. He’s taken to Twitter in a desperate attempt to silence me.

Nothing Trump says, does, or tweets will ever make me stop speaking out and fighting against his dangerous agenda – including his attempts to do explosive, enduring harm to the Supreme Court's legitimacy confirming a justice who will legislate from the bench what he and his allies can't get done in Congress.

But to continue that fight, I need you standing beside me. We can’t let Trump’s attacks slow us down. We’ve set a rapid-response goal to raise $10,000 before midnight tonight to make sure I can fight back, and I'm counting on your donation:

Will you rush $5 or more right now to help me fight back against Donald Trump's dangerous agenda and protect the future of our democracy?

If you've saved payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:

Thanks a lot. It means so much to know I can always count on your support.


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