Hi John:
Earlier this week, the Godmothers of the Sojourner Truth Women’s Vote Project focused on the importance of the Asian American & Pacific Islander vote in this election. Led by Rep. Grace Meng, we were inspired by the personal stories of our outstanding colleague Rep. Stephanie Murphy and our future colleague Red to Blue candidate Dr. Hiral Tipirneni (AZ-06).
This coming #TruthTuesday, we will highlight our women veterans: the tremendous women leaders who’ve courageously answered the call to serve and who are answering the call to run for Congress today. To that end, we will be joined by two patriotic women veterans Red to Blue candidates Gina Ortiz Jones (TX-23) and Jackie Gordon (NY-02). The discussion will be led by Will Goodwin of VoteVets who will inform us about their outreach to elect more women veterans.
Millions across the country have cast their ballots. Millions more are making a plan to vote. Let’s continue to mobilize our voters and ensure they know how to make their voices heard by visiting IWillVote.com.
Everything is at stake in this election that is 22 days away. We can have no underutilized resources, no wasted time, and no regrets that we could have done more.
Team Pelosi