It is important to look out for one another. I learned this both as
part of my mixed heritage, and from the Stone-Age people I grew up
with. Especially in times of stress, it is important for those who
have food to share with those who have not.
This time of COVID-19 has been especially stressful for Native
Americans, who have already endured much. I recently lost my Dine
(Navajo) friend, brother, and advisor, Edmund Ciccarello. He was a
leader in the Native American Church. He is a buddy I deeply miss. Ed
and I shared long talks about how to help the tribes get along better,
to find that sacred space of commonality, and to work towards uniting
the rest of humanity.
Our "small but mighty" Green Party must become a leader in
protecting Native People — world-wide — who are suffering at the hands
of those who live irresponsibly. The "Western way of life" is a
death-culture, dependent upon taking from others. It is time to give
Through responsible, urgently-needed plans like the full-strength
Green New Deal and Single-Payer Healthcare, The Green Party promises
to look out for others. Being independent from corporate greed, we can
do this. But
only with your help, so please donate to fund our programs of
candidate recruitment, training and grassroots
Help us move toward a secure, peaceful, just
future, for ourselves, each other, and All-Our-Relations. Thank
Dr. Kent Mesplay Dr. Kent "Honor the Treaties" Mesplay is a
long-time advocate for Indigenous people.
P.S.A. from the Green Party's Fundraising
Committee: We are currently gearing up for our Fall Drive for
Monthly Sustainers, those heroes who keep this movement
moving. If
you have ever thought about becoming a Monthly Sustainer — it's never
too early...or too late!