And so it begins...What's at stake?
And so it begins...What's at stake?
Yes, I know, we have all heard it before, "it is the most important election
of our lifetime." I am just 59 years of age and I must admit, never in my
lifetime have the stakes for Texas -- and America -- been higher. I think we
would have to go back to the 1864 presidential election, which resulted in the
reelection of Abraham Lincoln, and which cost him his life, to find a more
critical moment in the history of these United States of America. The
philosophical divide is grand, and therefore, the consequences are, as well.
The players are the same, Democrats and Republicans. And, in a way, so are the
two very divergent ideologies.
President Lincoln articulated it the best in a speech he gave in April of 1864:
"The world has never had a good definition of the word liberty, and the
American people, just now, are much in want of one. We all declare for liberty;
but in using the same word we do not all mean the same thing. With some the
word liberty may mean for each man to do as he pleases with himself, and the
product of his labor; while with others the same word may mean for some men to
do as they please with other men, and the product of other men’s labor. Here
are two, not only different, but incompatible things, called by the same name,
liberty. And, it follows that each of the things is, by the respective parties,
called by two different and incompatible names, liberty and tyranny. The
shepherd drives the wolf from the sheep’s throat, for which the sheep thanks
the shepherd as a liberator, while the wolf denounces him for the same act as
the destroyer of liberty, especially as the sheep was a black one. Plainly the
sheep and the wolf are not agreed upon a definition of the word liberty.”
We are at that moment when we, the sheepdogs, the true guardians of this
Republic, must drive the wolves away. When Lincoln was speaking, it was about
the physical enslavement of an entire race of people. Today, as I write these
words, it is about the economic enslavement, and the collective subjugation of
our American population.
We here, in Texas, are on the frontlines of that fight...we are the vanguard,
the Praetorian guard who must stand at the gates and protect that coveted
American quality called liberty.
Texas has the 10th largest economy in the world. A little over 10 percent of
Fortune 500 corporations call Texas home. Elon Musk and Tesla have announced
they're moving to Texas...Why? Because Texas is about economic empowerment.
Texas is a place where the indomitable individual entrepreneurial spirit
flourishes. It is the place where businesses from failed states such as
California, Illinois, New York, and New Jersey are fleeing.
Just ask our Republican Party of Texas Finance Chairman Ed Trevis why he moved
his company, Corvalent, from California to Texas a little over a decade ago. Ed
is originally from Brazil; ask him about the liberty America affords individual
investment, ingenuity, and innovation. Ed is passionate about Texas because he
understands Lincoln's delineation between liberty and tyranny.
The rule of law, law and order, is at stake. The wolves advance the rule of
the mob, their wolfpack spreading chaos, violence, and mayhem. All one has to
do is look at the capital city of Texas, Austin, and see the consequences of
leftist rule. They defunded the police in Austin by $150M, and Austin has now
seen an over 60 percent increase in violent crime. The homeless situation in
Austin is disgusting, and dangerous, to law abiding citizens. Austin, once the
live music capital of the world, has seen 90 percent of its live music
establishments shut down permanently.
We must defend our police, and we must retain constitutionalist judges. Texas
will have four State Supreme Court justices and three Criminal Court of Appeals
judges up for reelection. There are countless other important judicial
positions on the ballot. Two years ago, Texans lost 56 judicial positions to
the wolves of the progressive socialist left, and George Soros funded the
flipping of several key District Attorney positions in the Lone Star State.
There are some who believe that "We the People" of Texas should not vote for
judicial positions, that they should be appointed by some political class, or
worse by a commission of cronies. Just last week in Dallas there was a hearing
on this folly.
Last week, I wrote about our oil and gas industry, and its importance. A vote
for the wolves of leftism means its decimation.
The education of our children is at stake, unless you prefer our little sheep
to be indoctrinated by the wolf pack? The University of Texas, Austin, was just
rated as one of the worst campuses in America for conservative students. Yes,
not UC California-Berkeley, but our University of Texas is rated as the worst
place for intellectual discourse for our conservative young people.
The Austin ISD is an example of the perversion of the left when one considers
their sex "education" curriculum for 3rd-8th graders. It is insidious and
irresponsible -- well, actually stuck on stupid -- to teach, no indoctrinate,
such failed beliefs as socialism, collectivism, and Marxism in our education
system to future generations. This is why the school board and our Texas State
Board of Education are such vital elected positions.
Our religious liberty is at stake, also. Just look at California where
churches are being told to lock their doors under the penalty of arrest. Who
wants that ideology, that belief system here in our Texas? Christian business
owners are being persecuted for their religions beliefs and faith across
America. We must not allow this cancer to ever creep into Texas. It is the
purest definition of insanity to depart someplace that is failing --
California, Illinois, New York, and New Jersey -- and bring the same failures
to a place that is thriving, Texas. Heck, even God told Lot, as He was
destroying Sodom and Gomorrah, "Don't look back."
It is rather perplexing that anyone would leave these failed "blue" states,
and still retain confidence in the philosophy of governance for which they
departed. Can I just ask a simple question, why did you not stay where you were?
What is at stake? The very foundations of our Constitutional Republic are at
risk. And as it says in Psalm 11:3, "If the foundations are destroyed, What can
the righteous do?" The answer is simple, the righteous must vote. Sadly, in
2016, some 25 million Christians did not vote. This is why church doors were
shut on Easter Sunday, and deemed non-essential.
Sir Edmund Burke stated it succinctly, "all that is necessary for the triumph
of evil is for good men to do nothing." Now is that moment when good Texas men
and women can make a difference.
Our first Republican President, Abraham Lincoln, did define the 2020 election
cycle. It is a battle between liberty and tyranny. The stakes are high, and
starting this Tuesday, October 13th, you have a decision to make: join me, join
us, the guardians, lock shields, and let us defeat the tyranny of the wolves,
the progressive socialist left.
Carpe Diem! Let us seize upon this moment in time, in the history of Texas,
and send a resounding message to this evil manifested in the leftist
socialists, Marxist, who are preying upon our way of life.
We are the storm!
LTC Allen West (Ret.)
Chairman, Republican Party of Texas
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