Notice of Māori Party Hui a Tau - Annual General Meeting

11 SEPTEMBER 2019 


Kia ora ,


Notice is hereby given that the Hui a Tau (AGM) for the Māori Party will occur on;

Saturday 12 October 2019 hosted by the Te Tai Hauāuru electorate at;

Whangaehu Marae, 66 Whangaehu Beach Road, WHANGAEHU


The pōwhiri will start at -        10:00am

The hui proper will start at -    11:00am


The agenda is as follows: 

  1. Roll call and Apologies
  2. President’s report
  3. Financial report
  4. Electorate reports
  5. Party Review – Tēnei te tira hou o te waka…
  6. Constitutional amendment:
    1. Membership
  7. Co-Vice-President (Tāne)
  8. Minutes from last AGM and Matters arising
  9. Acknowledgement of past leadership
  10. General business

To read the Paper (for membership) on the Constitutional amendment(s), click here.

To read the Māori Party Constitution (to be ratified Saturday 12 October, 2019), click here.

Electorates are asked to send written reports and any remits to the National Secretary no later than 5:00pm on Wednesday 2 October 2019.

  • Members may register by clicking here
  • Registrations close on Monday 7 October 2019 for catering purposes.

All enquiries may be directed to the National Secretary by emailing [email protected]

Nāku iti, nā

Che Wilson
Māori Party President

Authorised by Matariki Cribb-Fox, 21a Bell Street, Whanganui



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