Oct 12 / Tarrant County:
Prepping for the Next Session,
Part II

October 12, 2020
6:30pm - 8pm
McPherson Park - The "Red" Pavilion
240 W McDowell School Rd
Colleyville, TX 76034



McPherson Park, 240 W McDowell School Rd, Colleyville
We’ll meet at the Red Pavilion.  Picnic Table seating for 100 available, but bring your own camp chairs if you wish (not required), and enjoy a picnic in the park with True Texas Project.
Mike McCoy is grilling us burgers and dogs!
And our great volunteers are bringing baked treats!

Join us for Part 2 in our series Prepping For The Next Session” with State Representative Tony Tinderholt, gun-rights activist Rachel Malone, and Terri Hall with TURF!

Tony Tinderholt is entering his 4th term as State Rep, and he’s gotten stronger and more fierce each time.  We are excited to see what he brings to this next session, especially now that we no longer have either Stickland or Rinaldi.  This is Tinderholt’s time to shine, and we expect great things!  He’ll share with us his goals and plans for session.

We’re also bringing in Rachel Malone, the Texas Director for Gun Owners of America.  Rachel has received stunning accolades for her efforts in training grassroots activists across the state on how to lobby our legislature.  Her focus is obviously on our God-given rights as outlined in the 2nd Amendment, and she will share her thoughts on what to expect in Texas regarding red flag laws and Constitutional carry.  We are happy to follow her into battle!

Last but not least, we are honored to have our good friend Terri Hall of TURF return to True Texas Project to speak on transportation and tollroads!

True Texas Project
Speakers: Tony Tinderholt, Rachel Malone, & Terri Hall
Monday, Oct 12th, 2020
New Location: McPherson Park, 240 W McDowell School Rd, Colleyville
Picnic tables available to seat 100.
We need some of you to bring camp chairs if able. (Not required).
The walk to the pavilion is wide and paved, but it has a slight incline and is probably 50 yards.
We will have a wheelchair on-hand to help anyone needing it!

5:30-6:00pm – prayer meeting (open to all)
5:45pm – $5 dinner opens, serving grilled dogs/burgers, chips, drink, dessert
6:30-8:00pm – meeting
All patriots are welcome. Come as you are!
No dues. No fees. No memberships. No RSVPs.
Coming in late? No worries. We’ll save you a seat.

About Tony Tinderholt:

Tony Dale Tinderholt is a Republican member of the Texas House of Representatives from Arlington, Texas. In 2017, a Rice University study said that Tinderholt was the fourth most conservative representative in the Texas House

About Rachel Malone:

Rachel Malone is the Texas Director for Gun Owners of America, spearheading GOA’s work within the Texas Legislature.

Rachel is passionate about promoting the right to keep and bear arms in legislation, training, and public perception. In 2012 she founded Texas Firearms Freedom, the first organization to champion constitutional carry in Texas, and has seen tremendous progress through her efforts.

A nationally-certified firearms instructor, Rachel teaches defensive handgun and rifle, finding joy in empowering individuals to protect themselves and their loved ones. She trains and shoots in disciplines from CQB to long-range rifle and participates regularly in Run n Gun biathlons.

You can hear some of Rachel’s strong opinions on the Polite Society Podcast. She is also a guest writer for various gun blogs and speaks regularly throughout Texas and beyond on topics including gun rights, legislative action, gun safety, party politics, and more. She remains dedicated to training others in the process by which they can make change happen, safeguarding liberty and justice for all.

Previously, Rachel served as the Operations Director of the Republican Party of Texas, ran a private music studio, and performed as a classical musician. Coming from a long line of proud Texans, she enjoys living on a farm in central Texas.

About Terri Hall:

Texans Uniting for Reform and Freedom (TURF) is a non-profit organization whose mission is to educate the public on our government’s new shift to tolling using controversial financing methods called public-private partnerships (called Comprehensive Development Agreements or CDAs in Texas), the tolling of existing corridors, and the eminent domain abuse inherent in these plans (confiscating private land to give to a private company for commercial gain). TURF also educated the public about the Trans Texas Corridor (TTC), the first of the planned NAFTA Superhighways, and eventually helped pass a complete repeal of the TTC from state statute in 2011. TURF also helped secure a moratorium & sunset of controversial public private partnership road contracts in 2007 and was also the first grassroots group to oppose the use of stimulus money for toll roads in 2009, which garnered national coverage by the Washington Post, Wall Street Journal, New York Times and Fox News.
TURF is a grassroots group of Texans asking for reforms through accountability and good public policy as well as promoting non-toll, sensible transportation solutions. TURF remains committed to ending eminent domain abuse and works tirelessly to secure a pro-freedom, pro-taxpayer, fiscally solvent, freely-accessible public road policy for all Texans.

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