The governor of New Hampshire talks about the state's policy on tax freedom. California's equity initiatives are tangled up in COVID-19.
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October 12, 2020
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Threat Inflation with Respect to Russia Continues to Poison U.S. Foreign Policy Discourse ([link removed] )
The consequences of the last McCarthy era were steep and lasted a generation; we can’t afford a repeat.
- Paranoia about Trump and Russia Is Dangerous for Our Foreign Policy ([link removed] )
By Ted Galen Carpenter
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Is California Tying Equity Initiatives to COVID-19 Prevention Procedures? ([link removed] )
California won’t let counties reopen their economies, even if they have done well at bringing COVID-19 transmission under control, unless they also meet “equity” criteria.
- Before Reopening, California Counties Must Meet "Equity" Standard ([link removed] )
By Walter Olson
The ‘New Hampshire Advantage’ and Sound Fiscal Policy ([link removed] )
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What makes it relatively easy for New Hampshire to maintain low taxes and spending? New Hampshire’s Republican Governor Chris Sununu has a few ideas. Sununu received an “A” on Cato’s new Fiscal Policy Report Card for Governors ([link removed] ) .
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