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A poll of members of the British Medical Association, which has officially opposed assisted dying since 2006, revealed 50% support a law change with just 39% opposed and 11% undecided.
The government's policy on relationships and sex education (RSE) has put schools in an "unnecessary and unforgivable" position, as it allows room for prejudices to "take root and be legitimised", the head who faced down protests against LGBT-inclusive teaching has said.
The Italian feminist organization Differenza Donna has filed a formal complaint with the public prosecutor of Rome on behalf of dozens of women who were named on small crosses in an area of the graveyard referred to as the Garden of Angels.
Hungary's nationalist government on Thursday condemned a book of modern fairy tales for children published by a lesbian group as "homosexual propaganda" and said it should be banned.
The Supreme Court ruled on a temporary basis Thursday night that women seeking to end their pregnancies with medication do not need to visit a health care provider, given the COVID-19 pandemic.
Amy Coney Barrett, the supreme court nominee, was a member of a "right to life" organization in 2016 that promoted a clinic that has been criticised for misleading vulnerable women who were seeking abortions and pressuring them to keep their pregnancies.
A student who claimed an elite school forced him to undergo conversion therapy after he was caught watching gay porn has been ordered to pay $800 of the school's legal fees.
A day after a Jehovah's Witness became the first to be acquitted in Russia since a 2017 ruling declared his faith group "extremist," six Russian members received suspended sentences for gathering for worship.
Religion News Service
The latest from the No More Faith Schools campaign
Local faith schools' selective policies have created an unseemly competition for places, leaving parents who don't have a faith or attend church with few decent options, say Rachael and David from Liverpool.
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