Monday, October 12th, 2020

Will the Worm Turn With the Election in Three and a Half Weeks, or Will Totalitarianism Consume This Country?

Gary D. Barnett

Masks Are a Political Agenda, Not a Protection Against Covid or Flu

Paul Craig Roberts

What Would Biden’s Foreign Policy Look Like? Just Look at His Supporters

John Kiriakou

The Media Are Now Openly Pushing Secession as the Election Nears

Ryan McMaken

The Circle Is Complete: BOJ Joins Fed And ECB in Preparing Rollout of Digital Currency

Tyler Durden

Tomorrow, Come Here Tomorrow…

James Howard Kunstler

Engineering Contagion: UPMC, Corona-Thrax and ‘The Darkest Winter’

Whitney Webb

The Left’s ‘Mostly Peaceful’ Revolution/Coup

William L. Gensert

Another Phony Conservative Judge Nominated to the Supreme Court

Chuck Baldwin

The Curse of Game Theory: Why It’s in Your Self-Interest To Break the Rules

Cynthia Chung

Romeo and Juliette

Taki Theodoracopulos

After Ratings Tank, NBA Is Finally Giving Up on BLM Propaganda

Kipp Jones

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