Intellectual Takeout and Charlemagne Institute are proud to announce Backchannel: a free, live videocast presentation
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Join Us Tomorrow For Backchannel: A Free, Live Videocast

Monday, October 12, 2020 at 12 p.m. Central Time


Intellectual Takeout and Charlemagne Institute are proud to announce Backchannel: a free, live videocast presentation and discussion. We invite our readers and supporters to watch these weekly presentations from one of our thinkers on a designated topic, and submit their questions for the subsequent Q&A session. It’s a continuing opportunity to join an interactive forum – to hear from some of our country’s brightest minds, ask questions, and gain their behind-the-scenes insights and wisdom.

Srdja Trifkovic
This week's episode:
Up From Libertarianism
with C. Jay Engel,

Please join us tomorrow, Monday, October 12, 2020 at 12:00 p.m. CDT for this week’s Backchannel videocast featuring C. Jay Engel, Chronicles contributor, as he speaks about his recent piece "Up From Libertarianism," which is featured in the September 2020 issue of Chronicles magazine. Libertarianism was a way forward for those disillusioned with America's two-party system, but it is now clear that the ideals of liberty have been subverted by the left. Only political power can preserve the cultural and ethnic roots of America. 

Engel writes in Chronicles:

"In other words, it may not be advantageous to strive for the widespread adoption of libertarian ideals when there is a palpable enemy leveraging real political power against our way of life. Perhaps the nature of political problems is a choice between imperfections, and it is the responsibility of the politically active to perceive threats and to recognize the existence and nature of real political enemies."
About the Presenter

C. Jay Engel works as a strategic business advisor and writes from his home near the Sierra Nevadas of Northern California. He lives with his wife and their four homeschooled children. 

Links to the Event

Please join us tomorrow, Monday, October 12, 2020 at 12:00 p.m.
for this critical and insightful discussion! Simply click one of the links below.

Click here to view on Intellectual Takeout's Facebook page

Click here to view on Charlemagne Institute's YouTube channel

As always, a large part of the program will be reserved for viewer and listener questions! Comment during the broadcast via these social platforms or email your questions regarding the presentation to [email protected]. We will answer selected questions at the end of the presentation.

Backchannel Archive – Get Caught Up!

If you miss this episode or any of our live broadcasts, or want to revisit an episode, you can always view the Backchannel archive here. Archived episodes will usually be available by the day after the broadcast.

We look forward to hosting you!

Devin C. Foley

Devin C. Foley
Co-Founder and CEO,
Charlemagne Institute


If you have any questions or feedback, please email [email protected] or call (952) 388–0840.

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