Final update from Hon Amy Adams
Hi John
As this will be my final e-newsletter as your local Member of
Parliament for Selwyn, I would like to take this opportunity to thank
you all for the support you have shown me during the past 12 years. It
has been a privilege to represent the people of Selwyn in Parliament
and to meet so many of you in my office, at coffee meetings and out
and about at events in the region.
In this newsletter I look back at some of the highlights of my time
as the Member of Parliament for Selwyn.
Local infrastructure
I have enjoyed witnessing the astonishing expansion of our
schooling network here in Selwyn during my time as the local MP, as
new schools were planned, built and opened to meet the needs of our
growing population. When I was first elected as MP in 2008, Rolleston
had one school, Rolleston Primary, and there are now five primary
schools and one high school in Rolleston alone. Halswell and Lincoln
also have new primary schools and many other schools around our region
have benefited from new classrooms and other facilities such as
libraries and administrative blocks.
 Chatting with students
at Chertsey School in 2014
Other infrastructure that Selwyn has benefited from thanks to the
previous National-led Government has included the roll-out of
Ultrafast Broadband and Rural Broadband around the district. I am
proud to have played an important role in this nationwide project
during my time as Communications Minister.
Another vital infrastructure project that is now making a huge
difference to travelling in the Selwyn District is the National-led
Government's Southern Motorway (Stages I and II). This project has not
just reduced travel times but is also making commuting in our region
safer. Road safety has been an important issue for me during my time
as the local MP and one I have spoken out about on many occasions.

With Mayor Kelvin Coe and Dan Harker launching a new
road safety initiative in 2016
As a strong advocate for the Akaroa Health Hub I am also delighted
that the community's dedicated support has resulted in the completion
of this excellent facility during my term as local MP.

Visiting the Akaroa Health Hub in
Our economy
During my time as the MP for Selwyn our local economy
continued to be one of the fastest growing in New Zealand and I was
honoured to be invited to open many new businesses and celebrate
milestones with many others over the past 12 years.

Visiting businesses in I-Zone with PM John Key in
Our environment
I have always considered Selwyn's incredible natural environment as
one of our region's most treasured assets and protecting the
environment while supporting local jobs has been a critical aim for me
during my time as local MP.
I was very proud to announce along with my colleague Nick Smith the
creation of the Akaroa Marine Reserve in 2013. While I was the local
MP the National-led Government also announced significant funding for
improving water quality in our local lakes, streams and rivers.
One of the highlights for me while in Parliament was having the
opportunity as the Minister for the Environment to work with
freshwater experts and stakeholders to develop New Zealand's first
ever freshwater standards.

Our safety
As Justice Minister I am most proud of the work I started with my
colleague Hon Anne Tolley around tackling our country’s shameful rates
of family violence. The changes we put in place included developing a
new delivery model for family violence to get agencies to work
together. The integrated safety response pilots we set up in
Christchurch and the Waikato are already making a difference and those
working in the sector have told me that they believe many lives have
been saved as a result of this new way of working.
Thank you Selwyn!

Presenting an award to Clara Tanner as Chieftain of
the Hororata Highland Games in 2017
In the end the only measure that counts is the difference that our
actions make for people and it is pleasing to know that as the local
MP I have managed to help many people tackle difficult issues and have
their voices heard. Thank you again Selwyn for the past 12 years and
best wishes for the future.
I welcome your thoughts and feedback on all matters so be sure to
contact me at a[email protected]
or like my Facebook page
and tell me what's on your mind.
Kind regards,

Hon Amy