Dear Supporter,
As you will have seen in recent weeks, the whole team at the
Taxpayers’ Union has been flat out running three campaigns getting cut
through. I’m
emailing to ask for your support this last week of the campaign so
that we can reach more New Zealanders as they decide their
The Tax
Relief Now! campaign has been exposing how politicians continue to
waste our money – arguing that if Jacinda Ardern can waste millions on
silly arts grants, surely there is room to let Kiwis keep more of
their own money.

support means we can get the Taxpayer Scorecard to more

You can't ignore him forever, Jacinda.
Our Debt Monster has been a constant presence on the campaign
trail. Tomorrow we’ll
be launching the official “Government Debt
Clock” – and an online advertising
campaign raising awareness that unless the purse strings are
tightened, every
Kiwi household will owe $112,000 in government debt by
2024. Will
you chip-in so we can get the message out?

The Greens’ asset tax
If your house is worth more than a million dollars, chances are you
have received one of our personally addressed letters from the
Campaign for Affordable Home Ownership. While the Greens say that their
wealth tax will only hit 6% of New Zealanders, the fact is that any
individual Kiwi with a house over a million dollars who pays off their
mortgage and joins Kiwi Saver will eventually be hit by the
tax. You
can read more about the campaign here.
Friend, our success in
getting the message out depends on your support.

Thank you for your support

David Farrar Co-founder New Zealand
Taxpayers' Union
Ps. Unlike the political parties, we don’t get taxpayer money
for TV advertising and promotion. We’re reliant on the goodwill of
Kiwis who back our mission of lower taxes, less waste, and more
transparent government. Click
here to make a confidential donation.