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Through failed Democrat leadership in cities and states across the nation have become safe havens where radical, far-left groups such as ANTIFA have been given free rein to burn, destroy, and loot.

This November 2020, we MUST make sure that we vote lawmakers into office who are committed to restoring law and order and supporting our brave police officers.

We have only a month to go before the election. The radical Left has elites and mega-donors at their disposal, and they’re raising money at a record pace.

Will you make a generous donation to help us reach our critical October goal?




This an all-out assault by the Left on our democratic ideals, traditions, and our way-of-life. We, as Americans, are promised in our Constitution, the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. These pillars of our democracy can only hold true if the rule of law is respected and enforced.

Far-left Democratic lawmakers have done nothing to curb violence and destruction that we’ve witnessed in the past few months.

This fight is not over, and thanks to your generous contributions, we’ve seen a groundswell of grassroots support throughout this nation from patriots like YOU, who have had enough.

Please chip in $10, $20, or any amount to make sure that we reach our goal for October and can continue the fight for a safe, free, and prosperous America.

For freedom,

Jim Jordan
