
With so much at stake in next year’s elections it’s absolutely critical that presidential candidates have serious debates about democracy and commit to strong reform. 

But after four nationally televised Democratic debates, the moderators have yet to ask about democracy!

So we're joining a national tweetstorm to demand they #AskAboutDemocracy happening NOW! 

Will you join in and tweet directly at moderators and demand they ask candidates about democracy?

If you’re not on Twitter, will you sign our petition instead?

The next Democratic debate will take place this Thursday and we want to make sure moderators get the message to ask candidates about democracy.

So far not one question has been asked about money in politics, lobbying reform, or what candidates would do to fix our broken system. If candidates are serious about critical issues like Medicare for All and the Green New Deal, they must commit to fundamental reform.

Will you tweet today or sign our petition to demand moderators ask about democracy in this week’s debate?

Thank you for all you do,

MAYDAY America


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