Voting has already begun, but for those of you in need of a progressive voter guide, the East Bay Young Dems is here to help! We're happy to provide you with a full list of endorsed candidates and propositions.

If you haven't already, please make a note of the following dates:
Absentee ballot deadlines
- Return by mail: Postmarked by Nov. 3 (Last day request has past)
- Return in person: Nov. 3 by 8:00 p.m
Early Voting
- Request: Oct. 5 - Nov. 2 Dates and hours may vary based on where you live
Tracking your ballot
- when it is mailed, received, and counted - has never been easier.
Your county election office will provide you with an online sign-up
page. Just sign-on, enter your contact info, and select what
notification methods and times work best for you! Don't forget, the
importance of your participation in this election cannot be understated.
We're at a pivotal moment. Let's seize it and win.
In solidarity,
Jesus Arzola-Vega, EBYD Communications Director
"If you don't like something, change it. If you can't change it, change your attitude."
- Maya Angelou, American Poet & Civil Rights Icon