Trump's experience should make it clear that the United States has got to grant health care as a basic human right.

Friends -

All of you are aware that Donald Trump has tested positive for COVID-19.

He got sick, he went to the hospital, and there are estimates that the cost of the care he got while he was there could be as high as $100,000.

Yet Donald Trump – a man who paid $750 in taxes last year, and who year after year has paid nothing in taxes – didn't have to take out his wallet or his credit card. That care was provided to him for free.

Now I don't begrudge Trump for the care that he got, but I am outraged that we have 90 million people in this country who have no health insurance or are under-insured. And we've got even more people who have to pay out of pocket whenever they go to a doctor or a hospital.

So if health care for Donald Trump does not require any out-of-pocket expenses or any deductible, it is time that we do the same for ALL Americans.

That is why today I am asking for your help to make it clear that health care is a right, not a privilege. We need Medicare for All.

Sign my petition if you agree it is past time to guarantee health care to ALL as a basic human right through a Medicare for All, single-payer system.

Trump's experience should make it clear that the United States has got to join every other major country on earth and grant health care to all of our people as a basic human right through a Medicare for All, single-payer program. No premiums, no co-payments, no deductibles, no out-of-pocket expenses.

I also want to add that almost every day Donald Trump is busy attacking "socialism!" Oh my god, he hates government-run facilities.

Hey, Mr. President, guess what? The Walter Reed Hospital that you were at, where you claimed you got excellent, high-quality health care, that is a 100% government-funded, government-run, and dare I say, "socialist" facility.

So, the bottom line here is that Trump's experience with COVID-19 tells me, and I hope it tells every American, that ALL of us are entitled to health care as a human right. Health care is not a privilege, or a benefit that should be determined by our employment status. It is a basic human right. People should not be going bankrupt in order to get the health care that they need.

I should also mention that if Democrats regain a majority in the Senate, I will serve as chair of the Subcommittee on Health. And you can be sure that the health care industry and the pharmaceutical companies will understand a very different reality once that happens.

We are going to take them on. We are going to end their greed. And we are going to end the international embarrassment that we are the only major country not to provide health care to all of its people.

Let's send a powerful message today that we are committed to guaranteeing health care as a right for all. Can you add your name?

Sign my petition if you agree the United States must join every major country on earth and offer health care to every American through a Medicare for All, single-payer system.

It is totally absurd that during a pandemic and the worst health and economic crisis of our lifetimes, millions of Americans are losing their health insurance. We are the only major country on earth that ties health care to employment. That irrational and dangerous policy has got to end. The time is long overdue for us to understand that health care is a human right, not an employee benefit.

Thank you for joining me today in calling for Medicare for All.

In solidarity,

Bernie Sanders