From Brian Derrick <[email protected]>
Subject We're behind.
Date October 11, 2020 4:19 PM
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Mikie Sherrill :: U.S. Congress

Hi Team -- I don't mean to alarm you, but Mikie's first debate against our corporate lobbyist opponent is TOMORROW and we're way behind on our goal.

Please, chip in any amount you can before our first debate.

Our opponent has proved time and again there's nothing she won't do or say to unseat Mikie. We know she won't hesitate to bring her vicious attacks and lies to the debate.

Here's the truth: New Jersey voters are already casting ballots and we can't waste any time.

Your generous contributions directly impact our ability to connect with New Jersey voters before Election Day and strengthen our chances of keeping NJ-11 blue and defending the House Majority.

Mikie's counting on this team to get us through the final stretch of this campaign. As of now, we're still XXX short of our goal of raising 1,100 small-dollar contributions and we won't get there without more help from grassroots supporters like you. Can you chip in right now?

Thanks and talk soon,


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