
In just a minute, I will ask you to add a critical donation toward our final major FEC deadline of this election. But first, I want to briefly explain something to you:

Every couple of months, candidates must file reports with the Federal Election Commission. It helps keep politicians transparent about how much money they have and who’s funding their campaigns.

On October 14th, we’ll file our last major report with the FEC before Election Day. Shortly after, our numbers will go public. Which means everyone will see exactly how much money our campaign has.

You can bet our opponent, Mitch McConnell, and their shady backers will pore over our report looking for any signs of weakness they can exploit in the closing weeks of this election.

That’s why we set a lofty goal of reaching 50,000 contributions before Wednesday. It’s a tall order, I know. But unless we catch up on our fundraising, virtually any chance we have to flip Colorado’s Senate seat could slip right through our fingers.

We absolutely cannot let that happen, so I’m asking you to dig deep and contribute anything you can before our final major FEC deadline. Let’s give it everything we’ve got. Please, donate here:

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:

All eyes are on our campaign, watching to see if we have what it takes to overcome the Republican attack machine. Let’s prove we are ready to win by showcasing the strongest numbers possible when our report goes public.

— John