$23,540 stands between us and pulling down our TV ads strategy just WEEKS ahead of the November election. We know my far-right Trump-picked opponent and national Republicans will do whatever it takes to win back one of the eight congressional districts Trump MUST win if he’s going to win re-election -- but my team is giving this race our all.
We’re running an aggressive voter outreach strategy and making HUNDREDS of phone calls each day. But it looks like we might have to pull down our ads and go dark in the final days if we can’t close the gap on our TV budget before Wednesday.
Today, I am counting on you in a big way.
Will you help us remain competitive and ensure voters know about me and the work I’ve done for families across our district? Please pitch in $5, $10, $25, or whatever you can to keep us on the air: https://secure.actblue.com/donate/marygayforcongress-nd
We cannot let Trump and his far-right allies win.
Paid For By Scanlon For Congress

Scanlon For Congress
PO Box 263
Swarthmore PA 19081 United States