BREAKING POLL: Amy McGrath now LOSING to Mitch McConnell by 5 points!

Give $5 or more right now to help Amy McGrath defeat Mitch McConnell and take back the Senate >>

This could not be any worse, folks: Mitch McConnell has SURGED ahead of Amy McGrath in Kentucky!

For months, Amy has been TIED with Mitch in Kentucky. But after McConnell and his allies started spending over $25 MILLION on ads attacking her, Amy’s momentum has taken a beating.

We have a real shot at sending Mitch packing. But we need an overwhelming surge of grassroots donations right now if we’re going to retake the lead and win – and right now, we’re falling dangerously short of our critical early voting GOTV goal, with time running out:

Please, don’t let Mitch McConnell buy and lie his way to victory. Give $5 or more right now – every single dollar you can afford to spare – to help Amy McGrath fight back, defeat Mitch McConnell, and take back the Senate for Democrats!

If you've saved payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:

Thanks for stepping up in this critical moment,

The Ditch Mitch Fund