From Crawford County to Cole Camp

We Are Everywhere

The energy is real.

  • Another 1,000 miles traveled.
  • Seven more meetings this week in House Springs, Mountain View, Springfield, Jefferson City, Cole Camp, and St. Louis.
  • Volunteers with handmade signs in parades throughout the state.
  • Advisory boards of Missourians hard at work on our anti-violence plan.
  • Over 1,200 donations.
This is the biggest grassroots campaign for Missouri Attorney General ever.
This is not my campaign. It's ours.

We have about 3 weeks to go to meet all of our goals by the end of the quarter. We need 88 more volunteers and $19,000. That's 190 people raising $100.

We can do it.

This is our opportunity to invite more friends to this campaign, to get a government that works for us instead of big-money donors, to make a statement and take back Missouri.

Our current Attorney General is not traveling around the state meeting with Missourians. He's not giving the people ownership of our government. He's taking big money from few donors. Not a single donation he received was less than $100 last quarter. 87% of our donations are.

We can change all of that.

We can have an Attorney General who works for us. We can have one who goes after robocallers, who fights dark money and corruption, who uses the office to do good in all of our communities, not just the privileged few.

I am going to keep driving from town to town getting more Missourians involved in our state. I'm not sitting in a room all day amassing a fundraising war chest. We are doing the work we should have been doing in our state: training, organizing, and fixing our home.

We need your help. 

Make a statement. Donate to our campaign. Get your friends to donate.

Seriously. Right now. Text them, email, Facebook, Tweet, whatever you do. Do it. Here's the link: Tell them why you're a part of our team, why you're excited for them to join too. Want me to meet or call them? Great! Just reply to this email. I'll be there.

This is our campaign. Let's win.

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Where We're Going Next

September 10: Dent County
September 11: Kansas City
September 12: Jefferson City Medicaid Hearing
September 14: Hyde Park
September 14: Pulaski County
September 16: Audrain County
September 18: St. Louis
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We can hit our fundraising goal this quarter. The best way? You sharing our donation link. So we made a convenient button to get you there. Just look down.
Paid for by Elad Gross For Missouri
Alicia Smith, Treasurer

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PO Box 21666
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