The Football Association will be joining us at Leicester City FC's King Power Stadium for Our Mosques Our Future conference this October 12th to run a workshop on how your mosque can start its own football club!
Our theme this year is #OurYouthOurFuture
Come for this and many other workshops on:
Safeguarding young people: A legal perspective, Bates Wells LLP
Mental Health: What can your mosque do? Muslim Youth Helpline
How to engage young professional volunteers at your mosque, British Islamic Medical Association (BIMA)
How to start your Mosque Football Club, The FA, West Ham United and Stanmore Jafferys
Re-offenders from Prison: What role can the mosque play? The Salam Project
Knife Crime & Violence - A Mosque Response, Green Lane Masjid & Community Centre
Benefiting or Losing Out from Untapped Youth Potential? Dr Deen Solution
There's only 5 days left to take advantage of the Early-Bird ticket offer before 15 Sep!
Would your charity, company or organisation like to exhibit or have a stall at this year's conference? Get in touch today