Hello —

President Trump’s botched response to the COVID-19 pandemic has cost more than 210,000 lives and left millions of Americans jobless. While our nation grieves during this challenging time, President Trump continues to place party politics above public health and American lives.

From calling the deadly pandemic the newest Democratic hoax, to contradicting the advice of medical professionals, to suing to repeal the Affordable Care Act during a public health crisis, it’s clear that President Trump’s priorities lie in serving the Republican Party and his own self-interests — not the American people.

And now, Trump is attempting to boost his bid for re-election by pushing the FDA to undermine its own science and data to rush its approval for a vaccine before fully testing its efficacy and safety — an irresponsible move that could put even more lives at risk. We deserve better from the President of the United States.

Remember, this is the same man who pushed people to take hydroxychloroquine, a drug with potentially dangerous side effects and no proven effect on COVID-19, along with suggesting "sunlight" or "bleach" could help kill the virus.

This is yet another horrific example of this president’s incompetence and selfishness, and a reminder that he must be stopped before more lives are lost.

Folks, we must act now. Add your name to Cory’s petition demanding that Trump stop putting politics over American lives and follow the science when it comes to approving a coronavirus vaccine.


While Cory and Americans everywhere are eager for a vaccine to address this virus, it has to be proven safe and effective, period.

Thanks for standing with us.

— Team Booker