
Yesterday was the one and only debate between me and my Republican opponent, Jaime Herrera Beutler, in the 2020 race for Washington’s 3rd district. As expected, we heard a lot of lies and misinformation from my opponent about her record and my own.

I’m somebody who believes in the truth. It’s why I’m running a campaign based on honesty and trust. It’s why I won’t take a dime of corporate PAC money. It’s why I’m beholden to only you.

My opponent on the other hand is beholden to the extreme agenda of President Trump and corporate special interests, having taken almost $1.7 million from corporate PACs. Herrera Beutler is your typical career politician. She sounds good and tells you what you want to hear, but she’s also good at hiding what she does in Washington, D.C. with her votes. We saw her commitment to inaccuracy on full display yesterday. While she may have sounded reasonable and factual, her true positions are very dangerous for Southwest Washington.

Take health care for example, the number one reason why I decided to run for office. If elected to Congress this November, I will protect Southwest Washingtonians’ current health insurance and protections for those with pre-existing conditions. Not only will I defend the Affordable Care Act from Republican attacks, but I’ll work to make it better by supporting a public option to make coverage even more accessible and affordable.

My opponent? While she promised to protect our care and those with pre-existing conditions, the truth of the matter is that she’s voted dozens of times to repeal the Affordable Care Act, and has even recently supported the Trump administration’s lawsuit to overturn it in the Supreme Court. That could mean loss of coverage for thousands of people here in the middle of a pandemic.

From health care to the environment to rural broadband expansion, my opponent told one story yesterday that directly contradicted her record in Congress. It just goes to show that on November 3rd, we have a clear choice between more of the same from an out-of-touch career politician, or a new leader who’s tuned in to the best interests of Southwest Washington and is ready to be a voice for real change.

Today, we have only 24 days to go until Election Day, and it’s so critically important that we continue to spread the word about our people-powered campaign, my vision to help Southwest Washington recover, and the truth about Jaime Herrera Beutler’s record.

Your support has gotten us this far, and for that I’m so grateful. If you’re in a position to do so, will you make a contribution of $10 or more to help us keep our ads on the air and fuel our Get Out the Vote efforts for these last three and a half weeks?

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Together, I know we can Flip the 3rd and give Southwest Washingtonians a leader beholden to the people, and only the people.

Thanks for everything,

— Carolyn

PS: If you missed the debate yesterday, you can find out where to watch it online here!