Visit to see if your representative is ready to do their constitutional duty...

Friend, we have a major opportunity to push an impeachment inquiry forward this week.

That’s because on Thursday, the House Judiciary Committee is scheduled to vote to officially define an impeachment inquiry into President Trump.[1]

Donald Trump has repeatedly violated his oath of office to “preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.” That leaves Congress with an unavoidable constitutional duty -- holding the executive branch accountable with an impeachment inquiry.

And, with this week’s vote making the most substantial step yet towards doing just that, Common Cause activists across the country are asking their members of Congress to lend their support.

Does your representative support an impeachment inquiry? Use our new site to find out where they stand -- and contact them directly to tell them what you think.


An impeachment inquiry is the necessary next step for Congress to probe the President’s obstruction of justice related to Russian election interference, and his countless attempts to derail Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation.

And, an impeachment inquiry would also let Congress fully investigate Trump’s involvement in campaign finance felonies by directing hush money to cover up multiple extramarital affairs -- as well as personally profiting from the presidency by accepting foreign emoluments.

No American, especially not the President, is above the law. That’s why we’re asking every member of Congress, Democratic and Republican, to do their constitutional duty and publicly call for an impeachment inquiry into President Trump.

Enter your address to find out if your representative supports an impeachment inquiry -- and if they haven’t yet, tell them you expect them to do their constitutional duty >>

While members of Congress were back in their home districts last month for summer recess, over 100 Common Cause members like you visited their state offices -- demanding they stand up for the rule of law. And during that time, dozens of representatives publicly announced their support for an impeachment inquiry.

Our voices can make a difference for our democracy. I hope you'll speak out today.

Thanks for all you do,

Jesse Littlewood, Vice President for Campaigns
and the team at Common Cause


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