From NJ-11 RACE UPDATE <[email protected]>
Subject Shameful.
Date October 10, 2020 5:11 PM
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Mikie Sherrill :: U.S. Congress

This is a new low -- an outside group backing our corporate lobbyist opponent sent out mailers to voters with an image of a burning American flag with Congresswoman Sherrill's name.

It's honestly shameful.

This is an insult not only to Mikie, but to all who have served and are serving.

Call on our opponent to denounce this hateful mailer and help Mikie go on the offensive right now. We're hoping to bring in 150 small-dollar contributions before the end of the day to execute our plan. Every dollar helps us counter the attacks while simultaneously fueling our voter outreach efforts so we can set the record straight.

Regardless of party, we should all be able to agree that using a burning flag to score cheap political points is wrong. The latest attack is disgusting but not surprising. Outside groups have been spending millions attacking Democrats like Mikie for months now, and our corporate lobbyist opponent has been lying and attacking Mikie at every turn.

While our opponent and her supporters continue to fear monger, stoke division, and support a man who has no problem calling our veterans "losers" and "suckers," Mikie is fighting to improve and expand access to health care, including telehealth services; provide critical relief and resources to workers and small businesses; and navigate our way out of this health crisis so we can safely get back to work.

Our opponent and outside groups are focused on fighting for their special-interest agenda. Mikie is focused on what matters.

We can't afford for a corporate lobbyist to replace Mikie in Congress. If you can, will you chip in a few dollars to send Mikie back to Congress this November?

Here's the thing, these attacks are going to intensify.

The attacks don't scare Mikie. Mikie is tough -- she's a veteran, a former federal prosecutor, and a mom of four. Nothing will get in the way of her fighting for NJ families.

Please, chip in $5 to help us fight back. New Jersey is already voting so we don't have any time to waste.


Team Mikie

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